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Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off) Page 7

  Liam sighed. “No, he hasn’t. In fact, all of his fantasies seem to revolve around having her watch me dominate him, and in turn teaching him how to dominate her properly. It’s just confusing for me. I’m getting mixed vibes.”

  “Ouch, I bet.” Dom physically flinched. “I don’t know what I’d do if Kalinda wanted to dominate me or Josh.” Dom swiped a stuffed mushroom off the platter between them. “So what can I do to help you make heads or tails of it? Does it bother you that he’s voicing the need to dominate her?”

  Tightening his fingers around the cold soda glass, he struggled with his emotions. “Yes and no. I find the idea of her watching us arousing, but the other? Well, if he’s dominating her, then it leaves me out of the scenario. I don’t know if I can watch him do that without joining in.”

  “Well, then join in. Grim isn’t going to object to you dominating her. I’ve seen you two play with another female sub. I think it drives him up and around the bend to watch you with the female. I’ve never seen a man come as hard as he did when he watched you master that little switch last year, remember – the one who liked bondage.”

  His dick, which had already been pressing against his fly, pulsed at the memory. Not because of Hannah, the switch, who’d laid bound between their bodies on the center stage of Olivia’s. It had been the way his Grim had looked as he tried to hold his release, as Liam had brought the female off with his mouth, while Hannah had done her damnedest to force Grim over the edge, before she’d come. The power struggle between the two had been intoxicating for Liam, as he watched Grim finally lose his control and spill between her ruby red lips. But not before I made her scream the house down. He’d never been prouder of Grim than he had been that night. He’d proved to all that it was his Master who owned every one of his orgasms. Which begged the question. Would he own Analise’s orgasms - or would they solely belong to Grim?

  “Earth to Liam, Earth to Liam…” Dom’s voice broke through his musing.

  “Sorry.” He lifted his soda glass to his mouth and took a long drink. “So how do you and Josh handle sharing Kalinda? I mean in the beginning. The ménage is a bit of learning curve to begin with, without adding in the power exchange.”

  “Well it wasn’t easy to begin with. We’re three definitely strong personalities. It took a lot of communication on both Josh and I’s parts. Of course at the same time, you have to remember that crap that followed me here from California was occurring. So our situation is different in the aspect that we both wanted to protect her. Once we realized as a team we could satisfy and protect her better than apart, we joined forces.”

  “So communication is the key?”

  Dom nodded. “Yes. Talk to her, talk to Grim. Have her talk to both of you, and above all, don’t forget to do this before you jump in the sack. Get all those quirky things out of the way before you add the physical aspect in. When there’s an emotional bond between the three of you, there’s more room for mistakes.”

  Liam arched a brow at Dom. “Like you expect me to believe for a moment that you two did that?”

  Dom sighed. “Hind sight is twenty-twenty, Liam. And take it from a Dom who nearly lost his sub, because he forgot that communication was the most important rule in his relationship. You might have blue balls, by the time you work out all the kinks, but it’ll save you a lot of heartache in the end.”

  * * * *

  “So what do you think so far?” Lena asked Analise, as they made their way back to the dining room after their trip to the ladies room.

  “Everyone seems to be nice.” She’d honestly been surprised at how normal everyone she’d met had been. Even the owner of the restaurant, Gabriel, had seemed rather down to Earth. She’d gotten a few odd vibes off some of the other people however, when they’d asked if she was a submissive or a Dom, and she’d said she didn’t honestly know.

  “Of course, they are. Like I said they are all your average Chicagoans, until you peel back the layers and find the kinky inner child they each have.” Lena sank into the chair next to her at the table where Mason was waiting. “Have you ordered yet, sweetie?”

  Looking up from menu in front of him, he shook his head. “Our waitress has been too busy flirting with Dom and Liam.” He nodded in the general direction of one of the far booths.

  “She must be new. Both of those men are taken. She doesn’t have a prayer of hooking either of them.”

  Craning her neck, Analise tried to see what Lena was looking at, but all she saw was the broad back of a tall, dark haired man. She could understand the appeal the waitress might find, even from behind he was a hunk of a man.

  “I don’t know, didn’t Gabriel say that Liam was looking for a…”

  Mason’s voice faded away, as the man with his back to her shifted enough to the side for her to get a good look at the other man. Her heart stopped before resuming its beat only to gallop in her chest. Before her very eyes was the man, she’d fantasized about the night before. And with another man. A man who wasn’t Grim. Anger replaced her shock as the other man leaned in closer to Liam in a show of intimacy. He was fucking around on Grim?

  “Ani?” Lena’s voice broke through her haze, barely saving her from doing something disastrous, like confronting the other man.

  “Yeah?” She tore her eyes away from Liam to focus on Lena.

  “You okay?” Concern filled Lena’s face. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Analise forced a smile on her face and reached for the menu in front of her. “No, I’m fine. Just saw someone I hadn’t expected to see.” She scanned the contents of it, trying to ignore the heat of Lena’s gaze on her.


  Crap. She should’ve known Lena wouldn’t let it drop. Setting her menu down, she met Lena’s gaze. “Remember I said I spent last night at Andy’s? Well I just recognized one of the guys I met there.”

  Lena cocked her head, looking around the room suspiciously. “Did he do something stupid? You think he might be stalking you? Did you give him your number?”

  “Whoa…” She held up her hand. “No I didn’t give him my number, not that he’d have wanted it. I got the impression he was gay and from the company he’s keeping over there, I suspect that’s still true - too bad he’s not with the same man as last night.”

  “You mean your boss’s man? Point him out to me.” Lena demanded, her voice rising as she craned her neck.

  “Lena!” Analise wanted to hide her face, as the room grew quiet around them.

  Mason placed his hand on his lover’s arm, not looking the least embarrassed by Lena’s antics. Evidently it was not the first time Lena had an outburst in public. “Lena, calm down.” He turned his dark eyes to Analise. “Want to fill me in, Analise, on what got my Lena all riled up?”

  When Lena opened her mouth to answer for Analise, Mason glared at her. “I said Analise, sweetheart.”

  Analise sighed. “I met my boss last night at Andy’s for drinks, and foolish me thought that Grim might be interested in me, but I got the shock of my life when Grim arrived with another man. I got the impression they were together…”

  Mason nodded, understanding dawning on his face. “And then you just saw Liam at the other table with Dom and assumed…”

  “That I was here with another man?” The deep timber off Liam’s voice sent chills running down Analise’s spine as dread filled the pit of her stomach. How long had he been standing there? And how much had he heard? She turned to face him, and nearly wanted to whimper as his closeness stroked back up the desire she’d tried to put out the night before. In his faded jeans, tight shirt with his arms crossed across his massive chest, and his hair pulled back by a black elastic at the base of his neck, he reeked of confidence and just a bit of annoyance. For some unknown reason, his stance made her want to beg his forgiveness.

  “I…Liam…I was surprised to see you here, is all.”

  He seemed to study her. “Hmm, I’ll let that one slip, Analise. That was your one freebie.” Then
his arms uncrossed and he crouched down next to her chair. “But that does lead to the question of why you were surprised to see me? Is it because there’s a munch being held here at this moment?”

  She bit her lower lip. “From the way you were talking last night, I assumed you and Grim had plans for the day.”

  A slow grin crossed his face at the mention of his lover’s name. “Indeed we did, most pleasurable ones.” His fingers brushed over her cheek, and she drew in a sharp breath as the sharp tingle of awareness shot through her. “Almost as pleasurable as the ones we have for you.” He straightened to his full height with a sigh. “I’ve got to go, but I’ll have Grim call you when I get home.” Then he was gone, and Analise could finally breathe again.

  “Girl, you’ve been holding out on me!” Lena whispered, as soon as Liam disappeared through the front door. “Why didn’t you tell me your Grim was Grim Harkin?”

  She shrugged, still reeling from the implication that Liam and Grim had plans for her. Surely it was her imagination, or had he felt the same sexual vibe she had? “It never came up.”

  Lena cupped her hand over Analise’s. “Well, I do have some good news for you. Master Liam and Grim have been looking for either a switch or submissive to complete their triad for about a year now.”

  “And they are both well-versed in the lifestyle,” Mason added. “If I was gay-curious I’d have offered myself up on a platter to them. If I were a person curious about learning the ropes, they’d be a good couple to learn with.”

  “They are…” the words came out as a croak.

  “Yep,” Lena leaned closer. “Their demonstrations at the club are in high demand.”

  “Demonstrations?” Visions of Liam whipping Grim in front of a crowd filled her mind. She didn’t know whether to be aroused or sick at the idea. The submission Grim would offer to his Master was hot, but she didn’t know if could handle the idea of seeing Grim in pain.

  “Yeah. The last one, Liam bound Grim up tighter than a Thanksgiving turkey and then teased him with a flogger, until Grim was begging for his Master to let him come.”

  She wet her lips, her panties dampening at the idea of leather being drawn across her boss’s skin while he begged for release. God, she’d have loved to been a fly on that wall.

  “But the hottest I think was when they shared that woman last year.” Mason sighed, his eyes hot and sultry at the memory.

  Lena elbowed him. “Of course you did. I swear that’s every man’s fantasy.” She giggled. “And it looks like Master Liam has set his eyes on you being the next one. Lucky girl.”

  Analise felt faint at the prospect. It was one thing to fantasize about being shared between two men, and quite another to realize it might actually become a reality with Liam and Grim. “Ah…” she whimpered, her body warring with her common sense. “I can’t just jump into bed…”

  Lena smiled knowingly. “Shh, there’s no one saying you have to. When Grim calls, talk to him, see what their actual intentions are. If they are honorable, why not let them guide you? They’d be a better source than just surfing the BDSM sites on-line. Find out first hand if this is what you want.”

  Episode V: The Question & the Answer

  Part IX: The Question

  Tossing his keys on the small stand next to the door, Liam entered the old Victorian home he shared with Grim. The smell of supper simmering on the stovetop teased his nose as he made his way down the hall to the kitchen. One of the many things he loved about being with Grim: the man’s overwhelming need to take care of him - especially since before he’d met his lover, he’d lived off take out or whatever meal he could con out of his mother.

  “Master?” Grim appeared in the door way, wearing nothing but a white apron and a pair of shorts, one of Liam’s few concessions to the no clothing rule while at home. He didn’t want his baby to end up burning or splattering something that he was going to want to play with later. No, if Grim was going to feel any pain it would at his hands alone and of the erotic variety.

  “Hey, inamorato.” He pulled his sub into his arms, nuzzling his neck while savoring the strong smell of garlic and oregano on him. “Pasta again?” Not that Liam minded. He absolutely loved Italian food. Nobody made homemade pasta like his Grim.

  Grim squirmed closer and moaned as their cocks rubbed against each other through the layers separating them. “Well, you mentioned fettuccine last night, so I thought I’d make you some considering how you outdid yourself after we got home.”

  He squeezed one of Grim’s buttocks with his hand, lining up their groins for maximum pleasure. “Outdid myself? Is that what I did? I thought I screwed your brains out.” He nipped at the slightly stubbled skin under Grim’s jawline, before licking the sting away, loving the way his man groaned softly.

  “You did, Master.” Grim’s voice was thready, his rising desire already apparent.

  Any other time, he’d have bent his sub over the back of the couch not ten feet from them, jerked down the shorts he was wearing and buried himself deep inside of Grim, but not today. No today, he needed to talk to his lover about Analise. He pulled back to brush a kiss over Grim’s temple, before releasing him. “Why don’t you go turn down dinner, get me a cup of coffee, and meet me in the family room? We need to talk, Grimwell.”

  A worried look crossed his sub’s face, as he’d expected when he’d addressed him by his full name. He wanted to kiss the worry off his sub’s face, but refrained knowing as worked up as he was, it wouldn’t take much to have him pounding into his lover’s willing body. “It’s nothing bad, I promise. I just want a cup of coffee.”

  Grim nodded. “Yes, Master.” Then disappeared into the kitchen.

  Sighing, Liam wandered into the softly lit family room at the end of the hall. It was one of his and Grim’s favorite places to retire to at the end of a long day. He idly wondered if Analise would enjoy the room as much as they did. Spacious with airy twelve foot ceilings, it was homey. While he didn’t enjoy cooking, he did enjoy decorating their little getaway. Dark leather couches sat adjacent to one another, while a modest thirty-two inch HD television graced their entertainment center. It was warm and cozy with the books lining the shelves and an electric fireplace on the far side of the room.

  Sinking into his favorite spot, the couch closest to the fireplace, he’d just removed his boots when Grim came in, this time sans shorts and apron, with a steaming mug of coffee for him. The wonderful scent of Arabica coffee and french vanilla drifted his way as Grim handed him the mug then sank down on the pillow next to Liam’s feet. When Grim’s cheek rested against his knee, Liam took a sip of the potent brew and ran his fingers through Grim’s curls, enjoying a few minutes of peace, before he caused an entire upheaval in their relationship. Because he had no doubt, even as much as Grim wanted Analise, his sub would struggle with the change that would ensue by adding a third to their relationship.

  Taking a few more sips of his coffee, he finally set it aside. Gently tugging on Grim’s hair, he made eye contact with him. A trace of fear still lingered, but he could still see the love his man had for him. “Come up here, inamorato.” He patted his lap and with a small squeak, his lover climbed into Liam’s lap, his face burrowing into Liam’s collar. Wrapping one arm around him, he snagged the blanket off the back of the couch and tucked it around Grim. “Comfy?”

  Grim nodded, his head tucked beneath Liam’s chin. “Good but how am I going to talk to you if I can’t see those beautiful eyes, Grim?”

  A gusty sigh against his collarbone was his only warning before Grim lifted his head. Used to such tricks, Liam jerked his head to the side to keep from being head-butted. Grim’s baby blues shone suspiciously. “Now there will be none of that. This isn’t supposed to be something bad. I’ve thought about your request of allowing Analise to join us on a temporary basis to see if she fits and I have an answer for you. But first I need a few answers myself, before I can give you my decision. Can you do that for me?”

  A smile tugged at Gr
im’s lips before he nodded.

  “Good.” He pursed his lips and tried to organize his thoughts. “So, you’re serious about wanting to dominate her, correct? This isn’t just a phase you’re going through? Because the job of dominating one such as Analise is not to be entered lightly.” At the questioning look Grim gave him, he continued. “I saw her tonight at Poulanos and after talking with Gabriel for a bit before I left, he gave me some sketchy information on her, and I have a feeling she’s just as innocent as we suspected last night.”

  Grim groaned softly, one hand slipping between his thighs. Liam leaned back.

  “What exactly do you think you’re doing, slave?”

  Eyes widening, Grim jerked his hand out from between his legs. “Sorry, Master. I just…the thought of being the one to introduce her to the lifestyle and all its pleasures, makes me hard. Needy.”

  Liam arched a brow. “Obviously, but I need to know that you understand that introducing her to the lifestyle isn’t something you’re going to do because you’re horny.”

  “Of course not, Master.” He whispered, searching Liam’s eyes. “It’d be too easy to hurt her with carelessness, which is why I want you to help me train her. I don’t want to do this alone. I’m submissive to the core. I don’t know why I need to dominate her specifically. But I don’t want to damage her in the process.”

  A sigh of relief passed Liam’s lips as some of the tension he’d been feeling slipped away. He nodded. “I’d be honored to help you. She’s very submissive, even if she doesn’t quite understand what she wants yet. We’ll be very careful with her.” He stroked a palm down his lover’s back. “Which brings me to the next question I have. If she agrees to this and you do claim her as your submissive, are you going to share her with me?”

  A horrified look crossed Grim’s face. “Master!”

  The tension, which had left Liam after his discussion with Dom, returned full force. He felt like he was on the edge of the cliff, but he had to know. “I know not all Masters like sharing, Grim. I don’t like sharing you, I love owning your pleasure, your body, and even your love. I’m a greedy bastard. We need to discuss if this is how you’re going to be, or if you’re willing to share her with me, even when you’re not around.”