Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off) Page 6
She groaned. Whoever was at the door, she was gonna kill them. It wasn’t even seven and it felt like she’d just gone to sleep. The bright sunshine spilling through her bedroom hurt her eyes. Stumbling out of bed as the sadist on the other side of the door continued to rap on it, she shoved her arms into her short robe. A stifled gasp passed her lips as the silk rasped over her sore nipples. She had abused more than just her pussy last night in her efforts to find release. She was just tying the robe shut when the person obviously gave up, but pissed, she yanked it open ready to give the person a piece of her mind.
“What the fuck are you doing…you’re insane…it’s fucking six-thirty on a Saturday morning.” She snapped at the retreating back. Swinging back around, Lena, in another one of her quirky outfits stared at her.
“What are you talking about, Girl?” She retraced her steps back to Analise. “It’s six-thirty at night.” She looked Analise up and down. “And if I’m not mistaken you’ve spent the night doing naughty things.” An apologetic look crossed Lena’s face. “Sorry if I interrupted your loving. I just wanted to stop by and see if you wanted to be go with Mason and me to a munch my BDSM group is holding at Poulanos, but I’ve obviously interrupted something. I’ll be going.”
And it was that easy. The anger which had been brewing inside her died instantly. Now Analise felt like a total heel. “Wait, Lena.” She stepped out into the hall. “I’m alone. Come in and have a cup of coffee with me?” The last thing she wanted to do was piss off one of her few friends, and she needed some coffee to get her brain to engage.
Lena paused her bright fuchsia skirt swirling around her knees. As the matching jacket parted far enough to reveal the white tank top with the words ‘massage therapist by day, a deadly ninja by night’ scrawled in looping letters across the bust. An unbidden chuckle passed Analise’s lips. “So Ms. Ninja lady, do you want to put me out of my misery?”
Cocking her head, Lena stared at her as if she wasn’t certain what she was talking about. Then she glanced down and giggled, her blonde curls bouncing. “Hmmm, maybe if you ask nice.”
Reaching out, Analise tugged the other woman inside her apartment. “Come on. Have some coffee with me. I’m sure you haven’t had any if the sounds coming from your apartment last night were any indication. I don’t know what you were doing to Mason, but it sounded…intense.” She shut the door behind the woman. “Am I wrong in assuming Mason is still on his health kick?”
Lena nodded, trailing after her. Entering her small kitchenette, Analise flicked the ‘on’ switch on the coffee pot, thankful she’d remembered to set the thing up yesterday before she’d left to meet Grim at Andy’s. As it hissed and bubbled, she took in a deep lungful. Nothing smelled as divine as fresh brewed coffee.
“So if you didn’t finally get laid last night, then why do you look like you’ve been rung through a ringer?” Lena asked, as she sat down at the table.
She shrugged, uncertain how to explain to her rather eccentric friend, she’d spent most of the night trying to get off.
“Did your date not go as planned last night?”
Analise grabbed a couple of mugs out of the cupboard, setting them down on the counter, before tugging out a container of half & half she’d taken to keeping on hand for Lena, and her own French vanilla creamer along with a small tub of cream cheese. “Not exactly.” She set the items on the table next to the sugar bowl. “Andy’s had great food and the music was awesome as was the company. Would you like a bagel?”
Lena shook her head. “No thanks. If the food, music and company was great, then what was the problem?”
Shoving the bagel into the toaster, Analise started it as the tiny pot behind her gave a final hiss. Pouring the contents into the mugs, she carried them to the table. Setting them down, she sighed. “It ended up being nothing more than a pussy tease. Two hunky men who ended up playing for the same team, and little old me stuck between them lusting after both of them.”
“Analise! You shock me - and here I thought you were a good girl.” She accepted the cup from her. “And what do you mean two? You said you had a date with a guy from work.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought too…” The sound of the toaster popping had Analise moving back to the counter.
“Aw, come on girl, you can’t leave me hanging like that. What happened?”
Bringing the bagel and a knife she’d snagged out of the strainer, she sank into the chair opposite of Lena. “What happened was Grim showed up with a boy-friend. A huge hunk of man.” She shivered, recalling Liam’s good looks. He was drool-worthy, but if the kiss Grim had landed on the other man was any indication, then he was totally off limits.
“Do tell.” Lena leaned forward cradling her cup.
“So…he’s gay. I spent the night wedged between two gay men, ate the best tuna I’ve ever tasted, listened to some jazz, and then they brought me home. Dropped me off at the front door without as much as one kiss.” She gave a half-assed smile. “And damn if they didn’t both look like excellent kissers.” Spreading her cream cheese across her bagel, she looked up when Lena’s hand slapped over hers.
“You can’t just blurt that out and not tell me more. How did you figure out they were gay? Did you ask them? Maybe this guy brought along his buddy as his wing man, or even if he was his partner - maybe they were looking for a woman to love on…”
Analise arched a brow. “I could only wish. They were both pleasant but the sexual tension between the two was so thick you could’ve cut it like a knife. You should’ve seen the kiss they shared before they came in. I’ve never seen anything so hot in my life. What I wouldn’t have given to have one of them kiss me like that.” She sighed, taking a bite out of her bagel. She slowly chewed it before looking up to see the speculative look on Lena’s face. “What?”
“And that’s what kept you up all night? Seeing two men kiss?”
Reaching for the mug, Analise stalled trying not to glance at her laptop. There was no way she was going to admit how the command in Liam’s voice made her just as hot as the way Grim seemed to devour her with his eyes. It had spurred her to go on-line and do some exploring of her own. “I…guess you had to be there.”
Lena drummed her nails on the rim of her mug. “That must’ve been one helluva kiss…”
Analise blushed, her cheeks heating. “I guess. I just couldn’t help myself. The idea of straining muscles as they wrestle for control before one pins the other and has his way with him….” She wet her lips. “What can I say? I’m human, and it got the juices flowing - if you know what I mean.”
“We’re all human, Ani, and I understand the urge to watch, but did you honestly stay up half the night getting off on that?” Her brow arched.
Her cheeks grew even warmer. “Ah, not that alone.” She toyed with the knife. “I went on-line and did some surfing. I was curious to see how it actually might work, and then it seemed like no matter what I did, I couldn’t stop. I’ve never been like that before. I love orgasms. What woman doesn’t? But this was different.” She ducked her head, unable to really express why it was different. She honestly didn't know.
Lena leaned back in her chair. “So this response was only because you were thinking about two men together?”
She took a sip of her coffee. “Well, yeah. I mean I’ve read lots about it. I love those erotic menage romances - I’m addicted to them I swear. But it’s not just seeing two men together. I was wondering about the….power exchange.”
Lena’s eyes grew heavy lidded, as she seemed to be studying her, until Analise shifted uncomfortably. “Power exchange?”
Analise took another bite. “Mmmhmm.” She washed down the bite with her coffee, her stomach settling down. “That’s the right word right? When one man submits to another?”
She arched a brow at Analise. “Or woman. But yeah that’s the term.” She took a long drink of her coffee, before setting it down on the table. “Give me your laptop, Ani.”
/> A frown furrowed her brow. “Why?”
“Because I want to see what exactly had you up half the night masturbating.”
“It’s private.” She flushed even more, her fingers itching to snatch up the laptop and hide the damning evidence. The good girl in her wanted to keep her desires a secret, while the bad girl demanded that she share, that there was nothing wrong with her desires.
“And I don’t want to see my friend get hurt by unrealistic expectations. Trust me when I say there are lots of assholes out there who don’t always have your best interests in heart, and will take more than you’re willing to give.” She wiggled her fingers at the laptop sitting on the table between them. “So log on, and show me what you found. I’ve been in the lifestyle for nearly five years. I can at least make sure you’re being safe, sweetie.”
“I…” Mulling it over it, she weighed her need for privacy with what Lena was suggesting. It made sense, and the other woman wasn’t likely to be judgmental when she saw what had gotten her so worked up that even a long session with her clitoral massager hadn’t satisfied her completely. “Alright.” Tugging her lower lip between her teeth, she slowly opened her laptop and typed in her password. When the screen flickered to life, she clicked on the browser and found the website she’d found the night before. One for which she’d daringly created her own new profile. When it finally loaded, she turned the laptop around to face Lena.
“I surfed around quite a bit and several articles I read mentioned this place was a good place to explore.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I was careful.”
Raising a brow, Lena looked over the sight. “That you were.” She smiled up at Analise before slowly clicking through the site. “Voyeurism and Submission? Interesting.” Lena hummed a few times under her breath before finally shutting the laptop down. “That’s settles it, while FetLife is a great site for information, you’re coming with me with me and Mason tonight. You need to interact with some real people in the lifestyle. Go get your butt dressed. We’re leaving in an hour for Poulanos.”
“But….” Panic overwhelmed Analise. She wasn’t prepared for this. She’d been curious and now Lena was talking about taking her to club and leaving her alone. She couldn’t do that - she wasn’t ready.
“Relax. This is a munch. You’ll be fine. We’re not going to just abandon you at the door. You’re going to get a chance to meet other likeminded peeps, and have some of the best Greek food around.” She stood up. “Now go get your butt dressed - before I go all Domme on your ass.” She moved down the hall.
“Wait!” Scurrying after her, Analise caught her by the door. “What do I wear? I don’t have any leather or anything.”
Lena sighed. “Girl, a munch is just a place to meet in public, where there is no overt indications of Master, Dom, sub, slave or switch. No sex shows, just a place where you can ask some honest questions without expectations. So casual clothing will work the best.” She opened the door. “Now get dressed. Mason and I will be back in forty-five minutes and if you’re not ready, there’s gonna be hell to pay.” The promise in Lena’s voice was a surprise. This was a side she wasn’t familiar with. It must be the Domme side of her friend.
Staring after Lena, Analise covered her mouth with her hand. Had this just actually happened? She was actually going to a munch? Then as the clock in the living room struck half past the hour, she scrambled into her room. Forty-five minutes was just barely enough time to pull herself together, shower and dress.
Part VIII: Surprises
Sitting at one of the many booths inside of Poulanos, Liam sighed, glancing at his watch and then the door. It’d been nearly an hour since he’d arrived at the restaurant. He’d taken a chance that with a munch being held here tonight, he’d run into his query. He’d wisely left Grim at home, in a sated heap on their massive California King-sized bed. What he sought from Dominic LaFontaine wasn’t something his sub could give him. He needed advice on how to proceed.
Advice only a man in another ménage would be able to give him. He needed to figure out how to approach Analise about the type of relationship he and Grim wanted with her. BDSM wasn’t for everyone, and even if she responded to his commands, it didn’t mean she was a submissive. But first he had to know how the semantics of the situation would work if she agreed to be theirs - if there was a way for them to add her without jeopardizing his relationship with Grim. In essence, how to keep the power exchange intact between himself and Grim, while still allowing Grim to explore his need to dominate Analise.
When the waitress stopped by the table to inquire if he needed anything, he shook his head. He’d been nursing his lone beer for nearly as long as he’d been waiting. Just as she was about to leave, he changed his mind. He’d been monopolizing this table for nearly an hour, and the waitress lived on tips.
“Wait. Can you bring a mixed platter of appetizers? And a soda?”
“Of course.” The petite blonde moved away from the table. As she disappeared with his order, the front door, in clear view of his booth came into view and a group of people came in. His heart stopped as he saw Analise, dressed in a pair of tight jean shorts and a tank top, flanked on either side by Lena Ask and her switch partner Mason LeBlanc. His heart leapt and his dick hardened in a rush, as the implications of her being here of all places, in the company of a couple known to frequent the lifestyle. He recognized them from not only previous play parties, but even an odd demonstration or two at Olivia’s. He’d always found the woman to be a likable enough gal, despite the quirky way she liked to dress, and Mason while being a switch, was also a good man. Perhaps he might be a sounding board for Grim if things got dicey. He’d never have guessed that Analise might actually know someone else in the lifestyle.
“Gabriel told me you were looking for me, mon ami?” Tall with dark hair and a Cajun’s bad-boy charm, Dominic was a man Liam had seen women sigh after longingly, and gay men lick their chops at when the man opened his mouth. He was just lucky enough to call the other man a friend.
“Yeah.” He gestured to the booth across from him. “Have a seat, Dom. I need a sounding board if you have the time.”
Sliding into the opposite bench seat, Dom waited for him to begin, when Liam continued to stare at him, Dom cocked his head. “Okay, so what’s up? It has to be something pretty important to have you abandoning Grim on a Saturday night to find me, and then just stare at me.”
Tapping his fingers on the table, Liam nodded. “I guess it is. You know how Grim and I have been looking for a woman?”
Dom nodded. “Yeah, everyone in the scene is aware you guys are looking for a third, but are being choosy about it.”
“Yeah. We want more than a playmate. We want a third to complete us. Like you, Kalinda and Josh have.”
“Of course. I can’t blame you there. Sex is great in a threesome, but without the emotional attachment behind it, that’s all it is - scratching an itch and about half as satisfying. So what’s the issue you have? I know I told you it takes time, but I didn’t expect you to give up so quickly - it’s only been eighteen months.”
Liam shook his head. “No, that’s not it. Look over your left shoulder. You see the little brunette with Lena and Mason? That’s her.”
Dom swiveled in the booth and gave a low whistle. “Damn, she’s hot.” He turned back around. “So what’s the problem? If she’s with Lena and Mason, she’s obviously not going to object to our lifestyle. And it’s good news if she’s with them, because that means she probably isn’t going to object to submitting to you but dominating Grim. Lena and Mason usually only hang out with other switches at these things.”
“Yeah, if Grim wanted to be dominated by her.”
Dom’s brows rose, his voice empathetic. “I take it he’s not? So is this an issue where you find her attractive and he doesn’t? Man that sucks…”
“No, it’s not like that. He nearly had a meltdown the other day at work because of her. Called me up, panicking because he almost bent her over her draf
ting table and fucked her.” Liam sighed. “He wants her as much as I do. The issue is that he wants to dominate her. He doesn’t want to submit to her.”
Dom opened his mouth to reply when the waitress stopped at their table. After she placed the appetizers and soda down and left to get Dom a drink as well, his friend spoke. “So he no longer wants to submit to you? That doesn’t sound like the Grim I know.”
“I didn’t say that.” Liam tried to gather his thoughts up. “He still wants to be submissive to me, but he also wants to dominate her.” He raked his hand through his hair. “Fuck, my submissive is turning into a switch, and I don’t know how to stop it.”
“Let me ask you something, Liam. Why does it scare you that he wants to dominate her? He’s not asking you to bend over and take it - is he?”
“That has nothing to do with our relationship, Dom and you know it. I love feeling him in me, as much as he loves it when I nail him through the bed. It’s just…what am I going to do if he finds he likes dominating her more than submitting to me?” As the words flew out of his mouth, he realized that all the other stuff he’d rationalized to himself earlier was just surface stuff. Sure he needed to work out how the dynamics worked. But in the end he was no different than any other man in love. He was scared he was going to lose the man he loved to another person.
“Why would you think that? Has he given you any indication he no longer wants to submit to you?”