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Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off) Page 8
Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off) Read online
Page 8
Liam growled when the sting registered, and his face began to burn from the impact. It’d been years since his lover had dared raise a hand to him, and Liam reacted without thought. Rolling his sub under him with his hands shackled about his head, he exerted his physical dominance without thought.
“You dare hit your master, slave?” He spoke carefully through clenched teeth.
Tears warred with anger in Grim’s eyes. “Yes, I dare.” Under Liam, his body was rigid. “This isn’t what we agreed upon, Master. We were to share her between us. She wasn’t to just be mine, with you asking permission to even touch her. How could you think I’d be so selfish after agreeing to our plan? I don’t go back on my word and you know it.”
Shoving his legs between Grim’s, he settled between his submissive’s thighs, loving the way their sexes pressed against one another, despite the situation. “It’s not selfish to want something for yourself, Grim.”
Grim’s jaw clenched even as his breathing grew raspier, a telltale clue that his Master’s close proximity was affecting him, despite his words. “It is when you’ve agreed upon sharing a lover then now you’re reneging on it. We talked about this. I thought we had an agreement. We were going to find a woman to complete us, not tear us apart. If having her means I’ll lose you, it’s not worth it.” A lone tear slipped free. “Please let me up.”
Liam shook his head. “No. You’re not going to run from this and shut me out while you lick your wounds. We’re going to have this out, right now.” He licked away the tear, before pulling back. “Things have changed. Originally it was going to be a woman who could help me dominate you, Grimwell. You changed the rules by deciding you wanted to dominate our third. While it’s not the end of the world, you need to give me a chance to catch up here. I never thought I’d see the day my submissive would want to dominate anyone.”
Grim went limp, all the fight fleeing his body. “I did, didn’t I? Shit, I should’ve thought about how it was going to seem to you.” He closed his eyes in defeat. “I never planned on this.” His lower lip trembled. “But I meant what I said. I’d rather go without her than lose you.”
“You’re not going to. You’re stuck with me no matter what. But I don’t want you to deny an unexpected part of yourself, just because it makes me uncomfortable.” He stroked Grim’s cheek with his fingers. “I will adjust to this, just as I have to your changing physical limitations over the past few years. But I need you to talk to me. If you don’t, I’m bound to make mistakes, or get pissed simply because I think I’m losing you.” He rocked against Grim deliberately. “Make no mistake about it. I want her nearly as much as you, especially when the idea mastering her has you hard like this.”
When Grim tugged against his restraining hands, Liam loosened his grip, allowing him to free his hands. He hissed in pleasure as they settled onto his shoulders, before sliding up to tangle in the long strands of hair at the base of his neck while Grim’s legs wrapped around his hips.
“You make mistakes? Never.” The corners of Grim’s mouth lifted.
Liam chuckled. “Occasionally it happens. I’m human, inamorato, and make mistakes just like everyone else. I have no problem sharing her with you” He rocked against Grim again, letting the slightly smaller man feel his revived erection.
“As I can tell, Master.” Grim groaned deep in his throat, his head tipping to the side in a submissive manner guaranteed to make Liam hot. It took considerable will power to not claim his lover right there, but first he had to deal with Grim’s little outburst.
“But before I screw you silly, we have another matter to take care of first.” He narrowed his eyes. “You hit me - your master.”
Grim blushed. “I…I’m sorry Master, I was angry you thought I would honestly demand you not touch her unless I was around.”
“I understand why you were angry, but that was no excuse to strike me. You could’ve explained how I was wrong in my assumptions. For that blow I could easily send you to your time-out room.”
“No!” The panic in Grim’s eyes had Liam placing a finger over his sub’s lips. “But the generous man that I am, I think I have something better.”
“You do?” The words vibrated against Liam’s finger.
“Oh yes. Instead of depriving myself of my submissive for the night, I think, instead, this will be the perfect time for your first lesson.”
Grim’s eyes lit up, despite the wariness on his face. “Lesson?”
Liam nodded slowly. “Yeah, every Dom has to learn how to deal with a disobedient slave. There are other ways than mere physical pain to curtail a naughty sub. In fact, withholding pleasure works quite well as you’re going to soon find out.” His words ended in a growl before he swallowed Grim’s frantic protest with his mouth. He honestly looked forward to tutoring his little inamorato now that he knew he wasn’t going to be an outsider looking in. Of course that was after he managed to pull a heartfelt apology out of Grim, and a promise that in the future he’d talk out his issues, instead of resorting to physical violence.
Part X: The Answer
Peeking outside the open elevator doors, Analise looked around suspiciously. She wouldn’t put it past Grim to sneak up on her, as she tried to sneak past his office and the ever present, eagle-eyed Louisa. It’d been nearly a week since she’d run into Liam at the munch with Lena and Mason. She’d expected to hear from Grim over the weekend, but when no call had come by Monday, she’d figured the men had second thoughts. That’s until she’d arrived at the office to find out that Grim had been called out of town to handle a difficult client.
She’d even managed to avoid attending the daily conference calls Grim conducted to keep his team abreast of the changing needs of their client. Not because she’d hidden the ladies restroom, but because of an unexpected promotion which had landed in her lap. She was now assisting Old Man Sneezeclod with his projects. The promotion had come late Monday afternoon and she hadn’t turned it down, even though the pay wasn’t much better. It gave her the opportunity to work with a senior partner and learn from him. Isaac, as he’d insisted she call him, was hard as nails and had a mouth on him like a seasoned truck driver, but she found she liked him, as well as the challenging work he tossed her way. In a way he reminded her of his nephew - all that drive and determination.
Which was why she was sneaking down the hall, in hopes of avoiding Grim. The rumor was that he was expected back today. Even as she slipped into to her office, she wasn’t sure why she was avoiding him as well as ignoring the calls, which had started Monday night, at home. She found both him and his partner sexier than hell. Perhaps it had to do with her own uncertainty, or the thought of getting her heart broken if they found her lacking. She wasn’t scared of them, as she trusted Lena’s opinion of them. If Lena had cleared them, it was good enough for her - her friend wouldn’t lead her astray. Shutting the door behind her, she leaned against its polished surface, a sigh escaping her. She’d made it.
“You’ve been avoiding me, Analise. And I find myself very irritated by it.”
The dark tone from her left had her shrieking, her body flooding with a potent lust as a ‘sexier than words could describe’ Grim appeared in her line of vision. Her hand flew to her chest as he stopped in front of her, dressed in one of his normal silk suits, this one dark gray with a royal blue tie that matched his eyes.
“Do you know why?”
Her frantic brain tried to make heads or tails of his question, as he stepped closer, his cologne filling her nose. For some reason she wanted to rub her face in his chest and welcome him home. Which is ridiculous considering he’s nothing more than my boss at worse and a friend at best. Resisting the urge, she focused on a spot past his shoulder, in hopes of getting herself under control before she did something stupid like throw herself at him. She’d missed him more than she’d expected.
“Look at me!”
The sharp tone had her gaze meeting his. She swallowed as she saw the lust in his ga
ze, tempered by...something else. Something she hadn’t noticed before he’d left…a new determination. A side which she’d only heard rumors about from David and Sam - the predatory side of the happy, smiling Grim who’d normally used charm to get his way. The man who managed to close multi-million dollar contracts without blinking an eye.
“Ah…Grim, you’ve been on a trip out of town. How could I be avoiding you?” She fought to keep her voice steady, despite her pounding heart. “You’d have to be here for me to avoid.”
“And the conference calls?” He arched a brow at her.
“Your uncle...”
“Stole you away from me.” He brushed a finger over her cheek, his eyes narrowing when she drew in a sharp breath. “Which is probably for the best, little one, because having you under me at work could complicate things for us outside of it.”
Her heart began to pound frantically as he tugged her away from the door with an arm around her waist. Every inch of her body tingled where it touched him. “I don’t understand.”
“You don’t?” He pulled her up against him. She gasped softly as she felt him through his suit pants and her dress. “You saw Liam at the munch last week, spoke to him, and now you honestly don’t know what I, what we want from you?”
“I…he said you’d call and you didn’t…I just assumed you changed your mind.” Behind her the door opened, and she tried to pull free of him, suddenly afraid it was Sam or David looking for her, but Grim merely tightened his grip on her.
“Shh, it’s Liam. And I rang your cell phone several times since I left, hoping to have this conversation with you in the privacy of your home.” He nuzzled her neck, causing gooseflesh to rise under his lips, before he lifted his head. “But you ignored my calls, so instead we’re forced to have it here.”
“Damned, if you don’t look good together. And we both know I’m not opposed to having…fun at the office.”
Liam’s voice stroked down her spine, and sent another flood of arousal through Analise. Dear Lord, she was going to come right here from nothing more than a few spoken words and the feel of Grim’s strong body against hers. One man was heady enough, but the idea of two wanting her was enough to make her orgasmic….
“I can’t wait to see how well she fits against you, Master.” Grim’s hand slid down slowly Analise’s back, and she was vaguely aware of the lock clicking shut on the door. “And you were right, she tried to blame her avoidance on my being called out of town.” He lightly tapped her on the bottom. A low gasp escaped her and she rocked against him at the sudden heat. He nuzzled her ear. “If we’re going to do this, Analise, you will not ignore my calls, or there shall be consequences.” He leaned back to look down at her flushed face. “And believe me, I know all about them.” He traced her lower lip with his thumb.
“Consequences?” She tried to make sense of what he was saying, but her body quivered on the edge of release when a warm body brushed up against her back, and a cologne darker, earthier than Grim’s washed over her. She quivered as they made a living wall of flesh around her, trapping her between them. All she could think about was how they could share her until she was screaming from pleasure. She may be a virgin still - but she had read her fair share of books. She wanted what the books had promised, but wasn’t sure if these two men were the ones to give it to her. Or if the fantasy is hotter than the actual reality of being shared by two men.
“Ignoring a call from either of your Masters is grounds for punishment.” Liam breathed into her ear, jerking her out of her thoughts and tossing her directly into the whirlpool of lust consuming her. “And if Grim or I have to come looking for you, you’ll be wishing you’d picked up the phone.”
Reality tugged at her when he mentioned punishment. Fuzzy memories of welt covered backs and torsos on the internet tried to flood her memory. “You’re not whipping me.”
“Of course not, piccola,” Liam tugged her earlobe into his mouth, adding another building sensation to her already teetering control. “We have better ways to punish willful subs, if pain isn’t your thing.” He tickled the inside of her ear with his tongue, sending wet heat through her body ‘til it settled in her womb. “Not to say a nice leather flogger doesn’t feel good….or so I’ve been told.” He rocked against her ass as if his hard-on was trying to burst free of his jeans to get to her. Instinctively she pressed back against it. “The brush of leather over sensitive skin, just hard enough to be felt, but not mar the delicate skin under it.” He released her ear to slide his mouth down her throat, as his fingers slipped under the waistband of her skirt to scrape over her hip bones. The slight pain sent another jolt of building pressure through her. “And something I’d love to see my inamorato do to you, if you agree, Analise.”
A low groan from the man in front of her, brought her attention back to Grim. “God, Master…please.” His fingers tightened at her waist as he jerked her against his front. “It’d be so good.”
Looking up into Grim’s face, she was surprised to see the flush over his face. It seemed he was just as much affected by Liam’s words as she had been. And he honestly wants to ply my skin with a flogger. She’d seen several pictures of one and more than once had wondered what the straps felt like. Did they sting, or were they more thumpy like hitting your palms on a bongo?
“That’s going to have to be up to Analise, Grim. We can’t force her to allow us to pleasure her, any more than we can force her to be submissive to us.” His lips drifted over her shoulder, pushing aside the delicate lace top in quest for more flesh.
“Fuck, I know…” Grim seemed to gather himself up as he pulled back from her - putting several inches between their bodies. She whimpered, trying to follow him, already missing him. She needed him back against her, surrounding her with his heat, as Liam teased her until her panties were soaked from her arousal, and she came apart in their arms. Raw lust had her tightly in its coils. She wanted to shed her clothing and offer herself up on a silver platter to the men.
“Shhh, he’s not going anywhere, nor am I.” Liam’s voice calmed her a bit, but not much, especially when he continued to talk. “But we need clear heads to talk about this. And tossing you over your drafting table isn’t an option until we come to an agreement.” He turned her to face him, lifting her chin with his hand, studying her expression, every inch of him confident. “Are you coherent enough to talk to us?” His lips parted on a soft exhale as she swayed towards him. Evidently the strength of her desire registered. “Or perhaps you need relief before you’ll be able to focus, piccola?”
* * * *
Grim fought to control his urge to take. Seeing his Master with Analise was more erotic than he’d imagined and he’d imagined a lot. Master’s tall dark form complemented her sexy slender body. Liam’s dark tan contrasted beautifully with her porcelain skin. More than anything he could ever remember wanting, he wanted to see them pressed together naked in the center of their bed. He could imagine what it would be like to watch as his Master lay on his back to claim her, spreading her out over his narrow hips, before tucking his thick cock to her opening then guiding her down until her tight little pussy had swallowed every inch his Master had to offer. Grim’s hands shook so hard that he was barely able to control himself.
He jerked his gaze up to his Master’s eyes. “Yes, Master?”
“Are you in control?”
The question wasn’t unexpected, and Grim nodded.
Liam’s eyes hardened. “The words, slave, or you’re not touching her.”
He wet his lips with his tongue. “Touching, Master?”
“Yes, and you want to touch her don’t you?”
“Yes.” He swallowed hard. “I’m in control.”
Liam nodded. “Good.” Then he guided their potential third over to her desk. Sinking into her office chair, Liam settled in before tugging Analise onto his lap. Arranging their bodies, so her back was pressed against his chest, he continued to murmur to her, his words barely register
“Would you like Grim to ease your need while I hold you, Analise?”
When she groaned softly, Liam chuckled and motioned Grim to come closer. When he stopped next to the chair, his Master started to tug up Analise’s skirt, exposing her slender thighs to his gaze. As it crept higher, he licked his lips, imagining how she’d taste. He wondered if his Master would let him eat Analise’s pussy, or if he was just going to have Grim finger her until she came for them.
“You hungry, inamorato?” The question drew Grim’s gaze to his Master’s. The flush on other man’s cheeks and the desire glittering in his eyes, assured him that Liam was just as aroused as he was.
“Oh, yes, Master.” His fingers clenched at his side, every part of him wanting to partake of the bounty before him. It didn’t matter that they were at his place of work. The door was locked, and Master would make sure that any sounds which could possibly be heard from the hall would be muffled.
“What do you think, piccola, do you want to feel his mouth against you? My Grim is very orally inclined, and I promise you’ll enjoy it.”
She moaned, gripping Liam’s arms, her head nodding.
“The words, Analise. We won’t proceed any further without them.”
The reminder had Grim wanting to yell in frustration. She’d already nodded and it was all the agreement he needed.
“Yes…please, eat me…Grim.” Her words were rushed and her face flushed. He was about to drop to his knees when a sharp reminder from Master stopped him.
“Rules, Grim. Before we can proceed…”
The lust clouding his senses lifted enough for him to remember the rules Master had gone over with him. They were similar to the ones Master had gone over with him before they’d started playing. Never forget to remind your sub of her ability to call a halt by using her safe word, or to check her levels.