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Safeword Interrupted (The Cattail Club Book 1) Page 7
Safeword Interrupted (The Cattail Club Book 1) Read online
Page 7
“Oh, shit.” A chuckle slipped free, even as he could only imagine the horror a younger Bethany had gone through.
“Yeah.” She glanced at him, mirth that only time and distance could bring in her gaze. “It was in that moment, as Ryan struggled to find an explanation to give his mom about why his very proper girlfriend was kneeling nearly naked in his front hall, that I realized that we would never be right together. He’d spend the rest of his life either apologizing for my actions, or I’d end up like a Stepford wife.” She placed her hand over his under her shirt. “I couldn’t live like that, so I broke up with him. Then a few months later I went and had the tattoo done – a reminder to myself that I didn’t have to settle for vanilla - that I would one day find the balance the triskelion represents.”
“Yet you claim you’re not submissive?” He shook his head. “It takes a very strong person to be submissive, little one. The fact you knew ten years ago that your ex couldn’t give you what you wanted, but still walked away with your head held high proves that. My only question is why I haven’t heard anything in the local scene about you. Surely you didn’t give up after one try? Not when there are clubs like Cattail around.”
Her cheeks flushed even more. “I…I toyed with the idea of joining, but the idea of putting myself out there, with people I might know from our area as a lone submissive, seemed pathetic. I didn’t want to be the poor sub girl in the corner begging for scraps.” She shook her head. “So I tried role-playing instead.”
And settled for half a loaf instead of a full measure.
He cocked his head. “And how did that work?”
She shrugged. “A couple of the guys I dated, flat out refused me, while a few others got into the swing of it, but usually fucked it up by apologizing to me if they thought I was hurting. My last boy-friend, he did okay until the day I came home to find him wearing my underwear and begging me to punish him because he was a naughty boy.”
Deacon actually sputtered. “Randall Duncan actually wanted you to punish him?” The thought of the staid banker dressed in one of Bethany’s skimpy thongs was almost too much. But the last time he’d run into Randy at the Co-op, the banker had been hanging with a known Domme. So maybe Bethany’s tale wasn’t so farfetched.
She shrugged. “I guess so. He didn’t stick around to see if I would, after I started giggling. I just couldn’t do it.” She shook her head. “So there you have it. My one sad attempt at sceneing.”
“Until our time in the office.” He growled, his body stirring at the memory of her going up in flames. “I bet you never realized you could come from a spanking.”
* * * *
Bethany fought back the blush she could feel warming her cheeks. She had done nothing to be ashamed of – nothing wrong. She fidgeted in her seat, then realized he was waiting for an verbal answer, not just a shrug or blush.
“No, it was a first for me.” She wanted to groan as his fingers slipped under the waistband of the khaki shorts he’d picked out for their excursion.
“One of many.” He toyed with the band of delicate lace hiding her curls from his wandering digits. “I can’t wait until you bend over my lap of your own free will. There is something decidedly delicious when a submissive willing offers herself up to punishment.”
“As if.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “It will take an act of Congress to get that kind of submission out of me.”
She didn’t trust the sadistic grin that tugged his full lower lip up into a smile.
She recognized that look. She needed to change the subject ASAP before he proved her wrong. “So now that you know my first foray into the dark world of BDSM, what was your first time like? Did you fumble around or did you take to it like a duck to water?”
“Nice try, Bethany.” He lifted her chin with a finger. “I’ll answer your question, but don’t assume for a moment that I’ll forget the little gauntlet you just threw down. Before we leave Puerto Rico, you will offer your ass up for my hand.”
The sensual promise in his tone had lust pooling in her stomach. How would he convince her? What would he do or say, in order to convince her? Her nipples tightened against her short sleeved blouse.
“Now, for your question. Believe it or not, Uncle LeRoy recognized something in me just before I graduated. A kindred spirit you might say.”
“Really? LeRoy?” Bethany tried to wrap her mind around the idea of slender, soft-spoken LeRoy Willis, pharmacist extraordinaire, being a Dom. He always had a ready smile for Bethany when she went into his store. He was one of the nicest men she knew.
He nodded. “Yep. I remember it like yesterday. I was all hot and bothered by Jenny Nichols – you remember her?”
She nodded. “Yeah, you took her to prom, despite her being the high school tease of nighty-eight. Her antics of winding up a guy and then walking away - giving guys an unrelieved case of blue balls were legendary. Even two years behind you, I heard my friends talking about the poor saps that landed in her clutches. I think nearly every guy in your class tried at least once.”
He chuckled. “Yep, that was her. Anyway, someone must’ve told my uncle about my taking her to prom. I thought I would be the one to get her cherry – after all, we had been dating off and on for nearly six months. At the dance, she came on strong, promising me a taste of heaven. Of course, she didn’t deliver. Instead, she pulled her usual tricks – I didn’t get past second base. By the time I made it home, I was so horny and pissed off that I wanted to tie her ass to the closest tree, and give her a taste of her own medicine.”
She chuckled. “I’m sure you’re not the only guy who wanted to do that.”
He shook his head. “Probably not. But lucky for me my uncle was visiting. He took one look at me, asked my mom to give us a minute. Then he waited me out. Just sat with me at my momma’s kitchen table and waited, until I finally started talking. After I gave him the whole horrid tale about how for several split seconds I wanted to bend Jenny over my knee and teach her a lesson about being a prick tease, he asked if I had ever felt that way before – the need to show a lover who was in charge.”
“And let me guess, you had?”
He nodded. “Yeah. My ultimate jack off fantasy was of…taking a certain blonde in hand and showing her why wearing short-shorts to the county fair would only end up with her over my knee.”
She flushed as she remembered the ass-chewing he’d given the sixteen year old Bethany.
“That’s when he explained that while my urges weren’t unnatural, but until I came of age, I needed to keep them under control – he didn’t want me to end up on the wrong side of a trumped-up sex charge. But if I still felt the same way after graduation, at that time I needed to come to him, and he would teach me how to channel those needs.”
She rubbed her thumb over his hand. “So he trained you?”
He nodded. “After nearly six months of discussions. He wanted to make sure I knew myself before I ever set foot inside a club. Even after that he spent nearly a year beating the tenets of Safe, Sane, and Consensual into my thick head. He taught me the basic ties - how to throw a single tail, and more importantly, how vitally important it was to read a submissive. She is giving you the ultimate gift by placing herself in your hands. And like any gift it should be treasured, not abused. Then just before my twenty-first birthday, he took me to Cattail.”
“And got you your first submissive?”
He shook his head. “Hell, no. He gave me to a seasoned Mistress. Mistress Jasmin. Told me that any Dom worth his salt won’t ask something of his sub that he himself hasn’t experienced.”
Shock roared through her. She couldn’t ever imagine Deacon giving over to anyone. He was such a man’s man – so in control. “You submitted to a woman? Let her use a flogger on you? Tie you up?”
He pulled his hand free. “Like I told you before. I will never ask of you something I haven’t tried myself. I know how hard to hit, because I’ve felt the sting of a flogger agains
t my back. I know how hemp chafes if you struggle against it during a scene, which is why I prefer fleece-lined leather cuffs. I also know how liberating sub-space can be, because the Domme who trained me sent me there with an ease I still envy. Even so – despite those experiences, I prefer the dominant role.”
She gaped at him. “But...I thought Doms didn’t do that.”
He shrugged. “Some don’t – some do. It’s a personal choice. Have I submitted since? No. Will I ever again in the future? Probably not. However, it did give me perspective, a view of reality the Doms who have never submitted, don’t have. It also increased my desire to be the one providing the unique release sub-space gives a submissive.”
“Oh…” She didn’t know exactly what to say about what he’d revealed. Her brain whirled, as she tried to correlate the Dom who’d rocked her world several times this weekend, had once been in her position. It just boggled the mind. A fact he seemed to realize.
“I’m still the same man who dominated you, Bethany.” Deacon seemed a bit guarded – his body language not as open as it had been in the beginning. “You just now have a glimpse into what makes me tick and how I got that way. Does it make me less of a Dom in your eyes?”
Her heart melted inside her chest as she free-fell into love. Hook, line and sinker, she belonged to a man who didn’t do permanent, but still somehow managed to give her exactly what she needed. There was no way she’d be able to return to their previous relationship when they went home. She slowly shook her head. “No, it makes you the perfect Dom for me.”
Relief filled his eyes, and he visibly relaxed. “Good, then how about we go on our tour, and we can discuss soft and hard limits between caves.”
“Sounds good.” She couldn’t resist reaching out to stroke his bristled cheek. “As long as you promise to feed me before tying me to the bed again.”
He chuckled. “I’ll make sure you have enough energy to come at least a dozen times when I take you back to bed.”
Chapter Nine
“So you like the idea of being watched, but it makes you nervous?” Deacon grabbed the rope handrail as he followed Bethany up the increasingly steep trail. Throughout the tour, chat time had been limited, but somehow he’d managed to sneak in several brief five-minute snippets of conversation. He already found out that she was curious about sensation play – a favorite of his, along with the idea of being bound for his pleasure. Now, however, he was trying to determine if he would be able to play at the club with her. It’d been too long since he’d shown his ugly mug at Cattails. But first, he had to make sure Bethany could handle a little bit of exhibitionism.
“Yeah.” She paused half way up the trail to take a swig out of her water bottle, the headphones the tour had provided dangling around her neck. Ahead of them near the top of it, the rest of their group oohed and ahhed over the hanging stalactites as their guide rambled on about their formation. Recapping the bottle, she shrugged. “I mean, what if it was someone I knew, like your uncle? How would I be able to look him in the eye when I pick up my birth control knowing that he’s seen me naked and moaning?”
Deacon could understand her concern, even though it was pointless. His uncle would never embarrass a person in that way. What happened at the club - stayed at the club – period. “I don’t think you’d have to worry about that. You’ll find out in time that nearly every one at Cattail’s values their privacy. In fact, even if they were tempted, there’s a confidentiality clause that would mean permanent sanctions against them if a member disregards it.”
“You mean you’d be comfortable walking into your uncle’s pharmacy to pick up box of condoms, knowing your uncle watched you dominate me the night before?” She seemed a bit baffled by the idea.
“Of course.” He gave her a smile. “I’m a grown man, little one. I have needs that I’m not ashamed of – and if I didn’t come in for condoms, I’d end up getting the mother of all lectures from LeRoy about risking my health, the next time I showed up at Mom’s for Sunday dinner.”
She shook her head as if she couldn’t believe him. “I’m sorry, but I just can’t. I mean it makes me hot thinking about others are watching, but it would have to be complete strangers – someone I’d have to never face later.”
“So I’ll label it as one of your soft limits.” He placed his hand on her arm. “It’s not the end of the world for me if I don’t end up sharing your submission with like-minded people. However, I think in time, with a bit of patience you may change your mind.”
She arched a brow at him. “You think?”
He nodded. “Yep. Once you’re comfortable enough to own your submission, I think you’ll find that you’re willing to do many things you didn’t think you could.”
She looked away and fiddled with her bottle. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be that comfortable, Deacon.”
Hating the look of unease on her face, he invaded her space and drew her up against him with one arm around her waist. He nuzzled the top of her head as she burrowed closer. “It’s new, little one. Trust me to show you the way.”
He more felt her nod against his chest than actually saw her agreement. But it was something he could work on. If he had his way, his beautiful Bethany would become confident in her role as his submissive – and keep him on his toes. The only question was, would she find her courage before they left the island, or after they arrived back at home.
They stood like that for a few minutes, until the sounds of another group coming up the trail shattered the moment. He glanced up the trail and realized their group had moved on.
Shit. Falling behind again.
He gave her one last squeeze before releasing her. “Come on, brat – before the evil guide lectures us again about holding up the group.”
She gave a giggle. “Hey, you’re the one who wants to lollygag.”
He gave a mock growl and playfully lunged at her, swatting her bottom in the process. “Move it, woman.”
* * * *
Bethany sighed in contentment at her empty plate. After the tour, Deacon had stopped on their way back at a small family style restaurante. The grilled shrimp and vegetable kabob had been delicious, and Deacon seemed to have enjoyed his steak. During their meal, he’d continued their discussion about limits and kinks. Surprisingly, he hadn’t batted an eye at her need to push, to have her Dom master her. Nor had he belittled her desire to try harder impact play – a need that had become an all-consuming passion after her first punishment. It’d hurt like hell but the orgasm afterward had been unlike any she’d ever experienced. Although her cheeks had flushed several times when their waitress had come to check on them, interrupting their conversation. Luckily, however, with a small bribe Deacon had managed to get them a table in the corner, well away from the other diners.
“You know, it’s pretty rare to find a submissive whose needs matches up with my mine as a Dom.” Deacon toyed with the fork next to his plate. “Perhaps I should paddle your bottom though - for hiding it from me all this time.”
She arched a brow at him. “Dude, I work for you. Think of the rumors it would cause if I’d dropped to my knees in front of you at the bar. Sorry, not going to open myself up for that kind of humiliation. The guys would never let me live it down, nor would they ever respect me again. Sorry, but that side of me stays out of the bar. You’ll just have to settle for my off hours.”
His eyes narrowed. “So you’re saying that once we return…”
Shit! She mentally cursed her slip. She meant to hold strong, to keep him on his toes, and at least make him work for what he wanted – her continuing as his submissive once they returned home. “I didn’t say anything about when vacation was over, Deacon – just about what I won’t do. My professional role is completely separate from my submissive side. It has to be.”
“But you’re not denying that we will continue when we return to Littleton, are you?” He leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest.
She shifted uneasily in her seat. Th
e damn man had eyes like a hawk and selective hearing. “As usual, you’re only hearing what you want to hear. Besides I still have four days to decide if I want to continue our little experiment when we return home.” She nibbled on her lower lip, and threw out an ultimatum she just knew to the depths of her soul that he wouldn’t be able to resist. “The sex is great, but even as new as I am; even I realize that’s not all it takes to make this kind of relationship work. Guess you’ll have to try some more.”
A predatory look entered his gaze and sent a chill of anticipation down her spine, especially when the dominant sneer he only wore during scenes accompanied it. “Bad move, little one. A good subbie should know better than to challenge her Dom. It’s a good way to end up on her knees with an anal plug shoved up her ass.”
Her bottom clenched at his words and lust settled in the pit of her stomach, but she forced herself to keep up the flippant attitude. “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
“Yes, we will.” He slowly uncrossed his arms to reach into his back pocket for his wallet. Bethany couldn’t help but drool over the shift of muscles under his tight t-shirt, as he threw down some money on the table. It didn’t take much to imagine those strong arms holding her down while he fucked her through the bed.
“Let’s go.”
The command in his tone sent more shivers down her spine, and she glanced up to see the dominant shining from Deacon’s gaze. Gone was the friend who’d been discussing limits and answering her questions. In his place was the self-assured Dom who’d already rocked her world a few times. Self-assured and confident in his abilities to make her lose control, his dominant side had her dripping wet and tingling with the need to push.