Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off) Read online

Page 5

  Drawing a deep breath, Liam prayed for patience, even as his mind’s eye could vividly see his lover doing that. “The fact you desire a woman has you freaked out, Grimwell? Analise must be some woman.” He spoke softly but firmly.

  There was another rustle, as if Grim had shifted nervously before finally whispering, “She is.” A long drawn out sighed filled Liam’s ear. “I’m sorry Master, I know you don’t understand my obsession with her…”

  “Stop right there.” Deciding that he needed all of his concentration to deal with the situation at hand, he pulled off the expressway and into a Walmart parking lot. “Don’t think for a moment I’m upset with you. I’m merely frustrated I’m not there to hold you while we talk about this.” Shifting the car into park, he slid the seat back to give him some extra room to get comfortable. “Now explain what just happened between you two to me, I need all the details if I’m going to help you. Remember, I’m not mad at you.”

  “I…I asked her out for drinks again.”

  Liam nodded. “Yes, that’s what we agreed to. So you asked her out for drinks. What did she say?”

  “She said yes…” Grim gave a small groan, and there was another rustle arousing Liam’s suspicion.

  It sounded like his slave was…praying he wasn’t right, he worded his question carefully. “You’re not jerking off, are you, sub?”

  “I…I’m sorry Master. I can’t…control it… I have to come…” The desperation in Grim’s voice spoke volumes. His lover was on the edge.

  “Why do you need to come? What’s set you off?” There were tells when it came to Grim, he’d found. Certain things, which had his submissive coming like no tomorrow with barely any effort on his part, and some of them were innocent to an outsider. Had Analise inadvertently triggered one?

  “Oh, God, Master. When we were talking, she looked down when she thought she might be putting me out, if we had to drive her back up to Loyola after having drinks at Andy’s. So…submissive.” He hissed.

  Bingo. If there was something that revved Grim’s engine more than seeing a man or woman execute one of the most classic of tells, looking down and to the left, he didn’t know what it was. His lover was a visual man - not surprising considering his job, but this was the first time Grim had called him in desperation because of it. “And why did it push you to the edge? We’ve been in public, and you haven’t gone off like this, sub.”

  “Fuck, I don’t know. It’s her. Her posture, her scent, even the way she smiles. All I know is I want to give her what you give me.” There was a sob in Grim’s voice, and Liam nearly panicked at the thought of losing Grim to another. If his sub wanted to dominate, could he allow Grim to dominate him? He had suspicion he might - if he thought it would keep them together. “Oh, God, can I cum, please?”

  The words jerked him out of his worries and upon hearing the desperation, the need, which Grim was obviously experiencing; Liam shoved his concerns about losing his sub to Analise to the back burner. “Not without my permission. Tell me what you’re doing, inamorato.”

  “I’m sitting against my office door and stroking my cock, Master.” Despite his worry, Liam couldn’t help but harden behind his slacks. He loved to watch Grim’s hand move up and down his shaft.

  “Is the tip purple? Bubbling with your pre-cum?” He pressed his hand against the iron length of his own dick.

  “Ah…yes, like a juicy plum.” Grim panted.

  A growl echoed through the car, and to Liam’s utter surprise, he realized that it was him. “Damn, I wish I could see it. Makes me want to suck you like I did this morning.”

  A warbled cry from Grim, had him freeing the tab on his slacks, then shoving his hand inside his boxer briefs to fist his own cock. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? To have me go down on my knees and suck you off?”

  “Oh God…a sixty nine…that’s what I want, Master. Want to feel you in my mouth.” Grim mumbled, his words coming faster, a true testament to his arousal. “Want to have her watch too, Master.”

  This time Liam groaned right along with Grim, jerked his zipper down far enough to free his cock, and his fist moved up and down in his lap, in time to Grim’s pants. “You do?”

  “Fuck if I’m not screwed up in the head, but all I can see is her watching us…joining us.”

  “Shit, I want that too.” Liam’s pace picked up. There had been something missing, and both he and Grim had decided they needed a female to balance them out. Not to mention both of them loved women as much as men. The idea of this woman being the one, had them both on the edge of coming.

  “Oh God, I want her to help me suck on your cock…to lick up every drop of as you shower us with your cum.”

  “Son of a bitch….” Squeezing hard at the base, he stalled off his own eminent orgasm. “…and I’d let you…”

  “Can I come, please….Master…ah, shit, I don’t think I can…”

  Relenting, his own need to come building in his balls, he gave permission even as he reached for the box of tissues to catch own his release. “Come for me, sub. I want you to soak your hand.”

  Grim’s pleasured cries as he brought himself off, sent Liam careening over the edge right along with him. Cupping the Kleenex over the end of his cock, he tossed his head back and came as if his life depended upon it.

  For long moments all he heard was the rasp of Grim’s gasps in his ear, until finally his sub seemed to compose himself. He was just tossing the soiled tissues into the small wastepaper basket sitting in front of the console, when Grim spoke again.

  “I…do you think I am turning into a Dom, Master?”

  Liam took a deep breath, as his mind shifted gears now that their sudden lust was spent. “Do you feel like a Master, Grim?”

  “No…yes…I don’t know. I’m confused, I don’t want to lose you.” His voice was hollow sounding.

  His heart lifted at the words. “And you’re not going to, inamorato.”


  Giving a mock growl, Liam wished he was there to hold his man. “Are you doubting your Master? Perhaps another round on the spanking bench is in order when we get home?”

  A dry chuckle met his threat. “Perhaps you’re right, Liam.” There was a sudden silence. “I love you.”

  His heart warmed. “And I love you, sweetheart. Now go clean up so you don’t get fired, and we’ll talk about what happened when I pick you up. I should be there in about an hour.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Grim sounded more like himself as he disconnected, which Liam was thankful for. However, it took him several more long minutes to pull himself together until he felt it was safe for him to drive. He could only hope what he’d promised was true, because he didn’t know what he was going to do if he lost Grim.

  Part VI: Another Man

  Stepping off the “L” at the Grand Avenue Station, Analise took a deep breath of the early evening air. It wasn’t quite seven yet, but she’d taken an earlier train to give herself time to get her nerve up to meet Grim at Andy’s. And after that damn orgasm in the shower, I should be okay. She should’ve been ashamed of herself, but she needed to take the edge off before she met him at the jazz club. Her libido was out of control, and damned if she knew what to do to rein it in - it was like someone had flipped her switch to permanent ‘on’ mode. Shoving the thought out of her mind, she made her way down the walk, glancing down occasionally at the display on her phone, praying the GPS on it was accurate, because her sense of direction sucked.

  After walking two blocks she made a left onto E. Hubbard Street. It didn’t take her long to spot the neon sign pointing down to Andy’s. That’s when she remembered she was supposed to have texted Grim when she got off the train. That was stupid of you, Analise. Go ahead and piss your boss off by not doing the one thing he asked. Exiting out of the GPS application, she scrolled down through her contacts, then selected the one with a fuzzy picture of Grim next to it. Typing a quick text to him to let him know she’d arrived, she stopped in mid-step as she watch
ed him exit a huge silver SUV. She’d just hit the send button when he leaned back inside to kiss the man behind the wheel. She froze in place, as the mating of their mouths grew more passionate. She should’ve looked away, walked back around the corner and gone home, but she was frozen on the spot.

  Obviously she’d misread the signals, she thought as she took in Grim’s faded jean shorts and a skin-tight black t-shirt. He looked good enough to eat and she wasn’t the only one who thought so, if the way the other man buried his fingers into Grim’s curls, as they kissed was any indication. Her heart sank. She’d been fantasizing about the unattainable once more. It was like college all over again, but instead of lusting after a football jock her uncle had warned off, this time it was a gay man who obviously already had a lover. It was just her luck.

  When he straightened, she realized she had a choice: she could walk away, like she’d never seen them, or she could brazen it out, have a drink with him and act like nothing happened. The choice was taken out of her hands moments later, when Grim pulled away from his lover reluctantly and fished his phone out of his back pocket to check his messages. She couldn’t hear exactly what the other man said, but Grim’s words were clear from where she stood less than fifteen feet away.

  “She’s here, babe. I’ll escort her in while you park. Meet you inside.” He shut the door, and spun around to look down the walk. “Analise!” He waved at her.

  Taking a deep breath, she shoved her hands into the pockets of her own jean shorts and moved to meet him. “Hey, Mr. Harkin.”

  He shook his head. “How many damned times do I have to tell you not to call me that? It’s Grim.” He threw an arm around her as he guided her up the steps. “Don’t make me have to paddle you, farm girl.”

  She rolled her eyes, as he pulled open the door for her. “Promises, promises.”

  He froze for a moment, before turning to look at her. Her breath caught. Was it just the light or had his eyes darkened? Before she could think however, the scent of tenderloins, pizza, and something she couldn’t identify teased her nose. As her vision slowly adjusted to the dim light, a black woman, obviously the hostess, hurried towards them. Dressed in a long flowing skirt, a pretty tank top, and a scarf to hold back her curls from her face, she wasn’t quite what Analise had expected, especially when she embraced Grim.

  “It’s good to see you back, Grim.” A wide grin crossed her face as she squeezed him.

  “Of course, Nikita, where else would I go to show the new girl at work how real jazz is played?” He brushed a kiss over her cheek, returning her hug, before pulling back and tugging out his wallet. Fishing some money out of the battered leather, he handed over the cash for the cover charge.

  “Too true.” She accepted the money, tucking into the pocket of her apron. “And where’s that hunk of a man of yours? I can’t imagine he let you out of the house wearing that get-up, without tagging along to protect your honor.”

  Grim actually threw back his head and laughed. “Don’t you mean protect all the unsuspecting fools from me?” He gave her a grin. “Liam’s parking the SUV and will be in shortly. He’s been talking about nothing but getting an order of your baby back ribs, ever since we planned to come tonight.”

  Nikita merely smiled. “Of course he did. Why don’t you follow me? Your usual table is free, and with a bit of squeezing I think I can make room for your guest.”

  Analise realized what the woman meant when she saw the table. Smaller than a coffee table, the table was barely three and half feet wide, its two chairs facing the stage, at right angles from each other. Because there was a mirrored wall behind them, and candles in the center of the table, it looked like the perfect setting for a lover’s getaway.

  She came to a stop as Nikita pulled the table out a bit more from the wall and rearranged the two chairs to add a third one. Guilt tugged at her. Had she interrupted a romantic evening between Grim and his lover? She opened her mouth to ask, when she felt someone behind her. An apology on her lips, she moved back to let the person pass, when a husky male voice with a slight southern drawl behind her had Nikita pausing, and a smile lighting up Grim’s face.

  “Evening darling, need some help with that?” He brushed by Analise, causing a shiver of awareness to run up her arm.

  “No, Liam, you rascal,” she replied her hands on her hips, studying the table’s position. “Your man helped me with the heavy lifting. Would you like the usual?” Nikita adjusted the table one last time before stepping back.

  “That’d be great. It’s hotter than hell outside. A cold Guinness would taste really good about now.” The man moved closer to Grim, pressing a kiss to his lover’s temple, before making eye contact with Analise.

  Analise found her gaze captured by his dark eyes and was mesmerized, barely hearing Grim order a drink for the both of them. But she couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away from him. Grim’s man was gorgeous. His long dark hair was lying loose over his thick shoulders, the same color as his neatly trimmed goatee. The hint of silver at his temples gave him a bit of maturity, while his fit body had her entertaining thoughts about her boss’s man that were totally inappropriate. Lowering her gaze quickly, she wondered if she could make her excuses and leave. Sitting with one hot attractive gay man was hard enough, but sitting with two only reminded her of how long it had been since she’d come last.

  “This must be Analise.” Liam’s voice washed over her as he stuck his hand out.

  Plastering a smile on her face, she glanced up at him, as she tentatively took his hand. “It’s nice to meet you…Liam, isn’t it?”

  A slow grin crossed his face, as his hand tightened around hers for a moment. “Grim told me you were pretty, but failed to mention how observant you are.”

  She shrugged, pulling her hand free of his, while ignoring the lust pooling in her womb at his touch. Yep it’s official, I’m so screwed.

  “Why don’t we have a seat?” Grim suggested, as Nikita left to get their drinks and Liam’s beer.

  “Sure.” Liam stepped back and gestured for her to take the seat in the middle. “Please, sit, Analise.”

  “Ah, I can sit here.” She laid her hands on the nearest outside chair. “That way you and Grim can…talk easier.” She refrained from adding if she was wedged between the men, she wouldn’t be able to escape as easily.

  The men seemed to exchange glances before Liam shook his head. “Now if we do that how will poor Grim hear what you’re saying once the music starts. And I know he wants a chance to talk to you outside work.” He placed a hand at the small of her back, ushering her forward. “In you go.”

  The firm command in his voice surprised her, and she sat down in the chair Grim was holding for her. Not because she was scared of Liam, but because there was something about the way he spoke the words that made her want to obey.

  “Good girl.” Liam drew up a chair next to her, as Nikita made it back with their drinks. Grabbing hers, she downed half of the soda, afraid to look at either men.

  * * * *

  Sitting next to Analise as the band warmed up, Liam could finally see what it was which attracted Grim to the girl. If she wasn’t a natural born submissive he didn’t know what she was. The ‘tells’ Grim had told him about were true. One with less experience in the lifestyle might think she was shy, but he noticed she only did it around him and Grim. She was friendly and made eye contact, not only with Nikita but also with Samuel, Nikita’s older brother, when he brought over their order. Nope, her looking down and deferring to us, has to do more with the fact she’s a true submissive and aware of us as men, rather than natural shyness.

  Of course it had helped that she’d reacted each and every time either he or Grim got a little too close. He hadn’t missed the pebbling of her nipples against her top, nor the way she seemed to shiver when his arm brushed hers as he reached for the barbecue sauce. From the look on Grim’s face, his lover hadn’t missed them either, nor the fact that his Master was deliberately testing her reactions in front
of him - and teasing them both at the same time. He could foresee a long session in their playroom tonight, if the heat building in Grim’s gaze was any indication.

  To distract himself from the anticipated pleasures teasing his imagination, and to keep her from guessing his accidental brushes were to watch her react, he used conversation to distract her.

  “So is this the first time you’ve had a chance to see a live Chicago jazz band, Analise?”

  She peeked up at him from beneath her lashes, her mouth wrapping around a bite of the seared Ahi tuna she’d ordered. Swallowing, she nodded. “We don’t have a lot of Jazz back home, but I did get a chance to hear the U of I jazz band perform numerous times from my dorm. Great music.” She sipped on her second soda.

  Personally, Liam was glad that she wasn’t drinking, because he had a feeling once her inhibitions were loosened, it was going to take both him and Grim to keep up with her. If we can convince her to take a chance on two men, both of whom want to dominate her. He paused as Grim launched into a speech about some of the greats they’d seen right here at Andy’s. Taking the opportunity, he tested his theory once more, to see if she was still as aware of him, while his lover had her attention. Ideally, the perfect third would be aware of each and every move both he and Grim made.

  Reaching for the salt he didn’t need, he waited to see if she’d react again. When his shoulder brushed hers, her breath caught and she stumbled over what she was saying. Yes, he wanted to growl with pleasure. It seemed she had more in common than just a submissive streak with his Grim. The woman found him attractive, which was a good thing. Because if he could work through his concerns about Grim’s sudden need to top after five years of complete submission to him, Analise Rochon was going to end up in their bed, being shared in ways she’d probably never even dreamed of.

  Episode IV: Poulanos & Surprises

  Part VII: Poulanos

  The brisk knock at the door dragged Analise out of a dead sleep. Rolling over, she squinted at the blurry clock next to her bed. Her head felt like it was filled with fuzz but had nothing to do with the two drinks she’d had the night before. No, it had to do with the fact that she’d spent half the night tossing and turning because of Grim and his lover, Liam. Unused to being the sole focus of two attractive but unavailable men, she’d taken matters into her own hands after they’d dropped her at home. She’d spent half the night trying to ease the ache the men had roused in her. Of course, it hadn’t helped that she wasn’t sure what she ached for, so now her poor little clit still felt swollen from her abuse in her quest to find relief.