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Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off) Page 4

  “…ignoring me because of the pretty little piece of ass I saw you ogling with Louisa.” He nipped Grim’s shoulder through his dress shirt. “I watched you watch her, Grim.”

  Desire fled, and he grew frantic at the idea that his Master might think he was cheating, or even interested in another. He squirmed in Liam’s arms, trying to free himself. “I…no…I wasn’t…you’re everything to me….Master…I wouldn’t…”

  “Shhh.” Liam’s arms tightened around him, effectively holding him immobile against his body. “You’re getting worked up for no reason, inamorato. I’m not releasing you.” He trapped Grim between his body and the door. “However I’m curious about your new subordinate. She’s quite the looker.”

  Grim hissed as Liam stroked and squeezed his aching dick through his slacks. “Yes, Master.” He groaned when Liam’s hand abandoned his dick to unzip his slacks. His breath caught as the other man fished his cock out of its confines.

  “And do you find her attractive? Is that why you put off returning my calls?” Liam’s palm skimmed up and down his shaft.

  Grim moaned, shaking his head, his cock dripping all over the front of his slacks as Liam’s hand moved faster. “No, Master….I….was busy…”

  “Hmmm, I do think there might be a connection between you two. Are you going to tell me that she didn’t affect you?” Liam thrust lazily against his ass as he continued to jerk on Grim’s cock. “She made me hard just from across the room - especially when I saw you together…”

  Huh? Grim’s brain tried to follow where his Master was leading, but his Master’s touch was distracting. “When did you…”

  “I’ve been watching you with her for nearly a half hour, inamorato. I watched as you guided her from her office to the meeting. How your palm lingered a moment longer than necessary at the small of her back. How you hovered protectively over her when you introduced her around.” Liam squeezed him just below the head of his cock, sending shards of pleasure up his spine. “You were looking for every excuse in the book to touch her, weren’t you?”

  Grim tossed his head back, his breathing ragged as he tried to focus on what his Master was saying.

  “Weren’t you? You wanted to touch her luscious skin, to feel her react to your touch, just like you’re reacting to mine right now.” He spun Grim around, pressing him up against the door, with one leg between Grim’s thighs.

  Grim whimpered when he felt the outline of his Master’s cock against his leg through his slacks and Liam’s jeans. “I…” After searching his eyes, Grim gave his Master the truth. “…yes. There’s chemistry between us, but I’d never act on it. Not only am I yours, but she’s my employee. It’s not like I can call her into my office and bend her over my desk…”

  A raw groan ripped free of Liam’s mouth, before he plastered it over Grim’s. As their tongues tangled together, Grim hung on for dear life, loving the feel of his Master pressing him between the door and the whipcord lean length of Liam’s body. He rocked mindlessly wanting to be as close as possible, every thought of being at work or at the fact someone could walk in on them was lost in the familiar haze of lust he felt every time he was in Liam’s presence.

  When Liam finally lifted his head, they were both breathing raggedly. “Son of a bitch…” His amber eyes were dark with desire, but as usual he gathered his control around him. “As interesting as I find your new designer, sidetracking me isn’t going to work, Grim. You have a punishment coming.” He rubbed his thumb over Grim’s lower lip. “The question is, do I give it to you here, or wait ‘til I get you home?”

  Grim stilled. “Do I have a choice, Master?”

  “You always have a choice, inamorato.” Liam stared down at him thoughtfully. “So you choose, do I fuck you over your desk now and forestall your punishment until we’re home tonight? Or do I punish you now and fuck you at home. You choose, Grim, because either way you’re going to remember me the rest of the day.”

  Grim growled helplessly. He was fucked either way. If he took the fuck as his cock was begging him to, it would give his Master time to think of some new and creative way to punish him by the time he got home from work. But if he took the punishment now he’d be walking around with a hard cock for the remainder of the day and would more than likely be attacked by Liam the moment he walked through the door. His dick throbbed at the thought. The longer he made Master wait for him, the harder Liam rode him.

  “I’m waiting.” Liam reminded him.

  Meeting his Master’s eyes, he made his choice. “Punishment.”

  Liam’s nostrils flared as he reached behind Grim to lock the door. “So be it.” He pointed to Grim’s desk. “Assume the position.”

  Scrambling to obey, Grim found himself over his desk with his pants down around his ankles, grasping the edge of it.

  “Do you know why you’re being punished, slave?”

  Grim’s focus shifted at the formal title, as he slipped out of his creative director role, and into the one as Liam’s submissive.

  “Because I didn’t return your call, Master.”

  “It’s more than that, remember?”

  Grim bit his lip. He knew exactly what Liam was reminding him - of how he’d nearly screwed up their entire relationship with his compulsive need to work, to the point where he’d neglected not only his own needs but those of his Master’s. “Yes, Master.”

  “And you broke one of our rules, correct?” The hard tone was unforgiving.

  He nodded.

  “Which one?” Liam prompted.

  “I made you call more than twice. I should’ve sent you at least a text telling you I got the call, but was busy with a new hire.”

  “Yes, you should’ve.” There was resignation in Liam’s voice. “I would’ve understood, but I will not let you fall back into bad habits that endanger your health, Grimwell Harkins. I know you - if I let you get away with it once, you’ll slip back into working yourself to death. I love you too much to lose you because you don’t want to let down your family, which is why the rules you agreed to are in place.”

  Grim sighed knowing what his Master said was true. He’d agreed to the rules not only to save his relationship with Liam, but also because his doctor had told him the eighty-hour weeks were taking a toll on his health. He had high blood pressure and was diabetic. If he didn’t slow down and take care of himself, he would be dead before forty and he wanted at least another forty years with his Master. “I know, Master. I should’ve taken the time to get back to you.”

  “Yes, you should have. Ten swats, count off.”

  As the first smack hit his ass, it sent a painful reminder to Grim of his Master’s seriousness about the infraction before it morphed into pleasure. He gasped out a one, just before the next blow landed. It was always like this, he thought in a daze of lust. The spanking was mere foreplay. The real punishment would begin after his Master was done, when he ordered Grim to tuck his hard cock back into his pants with a firm order not to come until he called later. Being hard all day would remind him that there was more than just work for him - that he had a man waiting at home for him. Counting off the remaining swats, he could only pray his Master would call sooner than later. “Ten, Master.”

  “Good boy.” He found himself pulled upright, his pants still around his ankles as Liam took him into his arms, one hand immediately grasping Grim’s hard cock. He groaned as his Master measured the length of him by stroking his fingertips up and down his straining shaft. “Responsive as always.” He sighed into Grim’s ear as he continued to pet him.

  How long they sat there like that, Grim didn’t know but when there was a discrete knock on the door, Liam sighed, pressed a kiss to Grim’s temple before standing him back up, straightening Grim’s clothing after tucking him back into his pants. Gently shoving him into the chair he’d just abandoned, Liam gave him a kiss and promised to call later.

  Sitting with a warm bottom and hard cock, he watched as Liam unlocked and opened the door, ushering in not only L
ouisa but Analise with a pleasant smile, and giving Grim a reminder that he’d call later. Glad he was sitting behind his desk which offered him some discretion, Grim greeted the ladies as Liam disappeared down the hall.

  “So what can I do for you?”

  “Analise has an idea for the new Rutherford account.”

  Switching gears from his punishment to business at hand was hard, but somehow he managed it. “Okay…shoot.”

  Episode III: Drinks & Another Man?

  Part V: Drinks

  “When are you going to come out and have drinks with me, Analise?” Leaning against the corner of her drafting table, Grim looked down at her expectantly. As usual he was dressed in one of his many suits, which she had to admit, on him looked spectacular. The dark gray went well with his tousled curls and made his blue eyes pop. Blue eyes that saw all too much, she thought, resisting the urge to shift in her seat.

  It had been nearly a month since she’d arrived in Chicago and started her job. And despite all the new and exciting sights and sounds of the big city, she was feeling restless. She was used to being busy all the time, and her work wasn’t taking up as much time as her schoolwork had. She had Lena, but the other woman worked too, and had a full time man, so she felt guilty monopolizing her time despite her own loneliness. All of which led to her frequent bouts of fidgeting in Grim’s presence. It was obvious he was aware of it too, because less than two weeks ago he’d started to ask her out.

  “You’re my boss, Grim. I can’t go out with you.” She pushed back from her table, wishing she’d gotten a few more hours of sleep before coming into work today. She hadn’t slept well last night, and Lord knew she didn’t want to even think about the never-ending dreams, which were the cause - let alone the star of them. Especially when he was standing right next to her, wanting to know why she was refusing to have drinks with him for the fifth time in as many days. Pushing aside the memory of her dream where she was being shared between Grim and a mystery man, she plastered a smile on her face when he sighed.

  “Not your direct boss, however. You report to Samuel. There’s no conflict of interest…”

  She wadded up a piece of paper she’d been doodling on and tossed it towards the waste paper basket about five feet away next to her regular desk.

  “Surely you’re not that hard up for a date? Besides, that girl down at the Starbucks has her eye on you, or so the rumor mill says. I’d really miss my morning java if she decided to take a dislike to me because she found out you asked me out.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t want to take her out. I want to take you out. There’s this great little jazz club down on East Hubbard. You’ said you wanted to try out some of the local clubs. Andy’s Jazz Club is about as local as they get. Not only is it low key, but it has excellent music and food. What do you say? I heard that they were having live music tonight. I’ll even spring for the cover charge.”

  She chewed on her lower lip. With Lena out of town with Mason for the weekend, she’d figured she’d spend her weekend curled up with her Kindle, some hot steamy erotic ménage stories, a cheap bottle of champagne, and her B.O.B. The small clitoral vibrator had been the first adult toy she’d ever bought, but after a week of working beside Grim during her training period, she’d been desperate. “I don’t know. I still think it’s not a good idea to date someone I work with…”

  He shifted closer. “Then don’t consider it a date.”

  She eyed him. “Then what would you call taking me to a night club?”

  He smiled. “Having a drink with one of the guys from work and enjoying some good live Chicago Jazz. People have ‘after work’ drinks with their co-workers all the time.” He gave her a look that reminded her of her basset hound, Emily, and she gave in, unable to resist him anymore than she had Emily. Going to a jazz club with her boss on a Friday night was probably better than getting schnockered on cheap alcohol, followed by a marathon of masturbation. Besides she could always fall back on them tomorrow night if tonight was a bust.

  “Fine. But I’ll take the “L” to the club, and if I even think it stinks of a date, I’m out of there.”

  He frowned. “Fine as long as you let me drive you home if you stay. I don’t like the idea of you riding the Red Line all the way up to Loyola from Near North at midnight. The area where Andy’s is at during the day isn’t bad, but at midnight…no, I’d feel much better if I drove you home.”

  She sighed, uncomfortable with having to rely on him to get her home. She dropped her gaze to the left, pretending to study the design on her desk. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. “I don’t want to put you out…”

  He squeezed her shoulder, drawing her attention back to his face. “You wouldn’t be putting me out. I live up near Loyola and I’ll be going that direction anyway - I live off of North Clark St. Didn’t you tell me you lived just off campus near West Pratt?”

  She grabbed her water bottle and nodded. “Yeah.”

  He smiled. “Great. It’ll be just a hop and skip to get back on North Clark.”

  “Alright, you convinced me.” She shook her finger at him. “But I meant what I said, Mr. Harkin. No funny business.”

  He drew a cross over his chest with his pointer finger. “I promise, there will be no funny business…unless you decide you want it. See you tonight at six. I’ll send you the address. It’s less than a two block walk from the station on Grand.” His watch beeped. “Crap…I have a call I have to make. But here’s my cell number…” he jotted it down on edge of her drafting paper with his pen. “…I’ll text you with exact address after my call.” He looked up, his blue gaze nearly mesmerizing. “I want you text me when you leave the station, so I can be out front to meet you.”

  When she opened her mouth to tell him it wouldn’t be necessary, he pressed his finger against her lips, leaning forward. “No, no arguments I don’t have time right now. I know you’re a big girl, but how am I supposed to pay your cover if I wait inside? Now be good.” He strode from the room as if his ass was on fire.

  * * * *

  Headed south-east on the Kennedy Expressway towards the Loop, Liam glanced at the digital clock on the dashboard, but his cell phone stayed mysteriously silent in the console next to him. Grim was late calling again. He and his submissive were going to have a come to Jesus talk about it, if this continued. He’d come too close to losing Grim six months ago.

  As if the man knew he was thinking of him, the familiar ring tone of Bryan Adams’s ‘I’m Gonna Run to You’ filled the cabin of the car. Pressing the blue-tooth in his ear, he answered.

  “You’re late again, inamorato. I trust you had a good reason—”

  The raspy sound of Grim’s breathing filled his ear sent concern racing through Liam. “Grim?”

  “I… giallo…please Master…” Yellow. The slow-down plea was faint, as if his submissive was hanging on by a thread. It was something he was used to if their play became too intense, moving too quickly for Grim to handle, but never once had Liam heard the plea when his lover called him from work.

  “Shh, calm down, tell me what’s wrong, Grim.” Keeping his own panic under control was a must. When the silence continued, Liam forced himself to stay calm. Just because Grim wasn’t answering verbally it didn’t mean he wasn’t trying to. Being raised by a deaf mother, Grim had learned ASL, American Sign Language, before he even learned to talk. And when things get the better of him, my little submissive still reverts back to it. It had made their first couple of scenes together frustrating for Liam, until he’d broken down and taken an ASL class. But not as frustrated as he was right now, on the phone with what he was sure was a frantically signing submissive.

  “I can’t see your hands, sub. You have to use your words. Tell me what has you so upset. Are you hurt? Did something happen with your uncle?”

  Finally a panted response came across the line. “Not upset. Not hurt. Uncle is fine.”

  “Then what has you using our slow-down word?” Liam ti
ghtened his hands on the wheel. He had a feeling it had to do with the new girl at Liam’s office - the one whose faint perfume had made his cock hard more than once, at the end of the day when it clung to his man’s clothing. Which is why he’d told his little inamorato to arrange a meeting outside of his work where both of them could get to know her - to see if her effect on Liam would be the same as it was on Grim. And to see if she’d be willing to submit to me. Liam knew his faults - he was a dominating bastard when it came to getting things he wanted, and not every woman could handle them. Which is why we’ve been looking for nearly a year for a specific woman - one who can not only love Grim’s submissive nature but my dominance. A woman who might be able to complete our bond. If Analise was the answer, only time would tell.

  “Fuck, Master…I want her.” Grim’s voice seemed lost, as if he didn’t know how to deal with it.

  “Tell me what happened. Talk to me. I’m on my way to you, but unfortunately I’m stuck in traffic.” Liam glanced at the upcoming electronic traffic sign – fifty-three minutes until he’d hit the Loop - damn rush hour traffic. Grim needed him, and he was nearly an hour out still. For a moment he wanted to curse the fact he’d gone out to Jefferson Park to give his Internet safety lecture to the kids at Farnsworth Elementary, instead of staying on campus during his last prep period. At least then he’d have been less than thirty minutes from Grim instead of an hour.

  “I’m sorry…”

  “Don’t apologize. Just tell me who has you at the end of your rope.”

  “Analise….oh my God, I almost kissed her today, Master. She just smells so good….” There was a sound as if someone was sucking on something.

  “What are you doing, sub?” His fists tightened on the steering wheel.

  “Licking my fingers….I….placed them against her lips to shut her up.” A torturous note entered Grim’s voice. “Oh my God, I wanted to bend her over her drafting table and take her right there.”