Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off) Read online

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  “Shit.” She dragged her fingers through her tangled hair. She needed to get laid in the worst way, but she wasn’t foolish enough to just go out and find any Joe, Dick or Harry to do the honors. She might be a modern woman but she still had standards, and sue her if she was just old-fashioned, but the gift of her virginity should mean something to the man she gave it to.

  Rolling off the bed, she headed to the bathroom. She needed sexual release, a shower, and coffee: in that order.

  Stepping out of the shower twenty minutes later, she felt a bit more relaxed but invigorated enough to start her day. It was the first day of her new job, and more than anything she wanted to make a favorable impression on her new boss and co-workers.

  After dressing in what she hoped was appropriate attire for work, a pencil skirt and cool but fashionable blouse, she slipped her feet into her favorite flats. She was just sipping on her first cup of joe so the brisk knock at her door didn’t surprise her. Answering it, she smiled at Lena. The other woman looked refreshed and ready to start her day.

  “Morning, Ani.” Stepping inside the apartment, Lena inhaled and moaned. “You got a cup of that for me? Mason is on one of his health kicks right now. He stayed over last night, and I feel guilty for making a pot when he won’t consume any.”

  “You softie.” Analise could understand Lena’s reasoning, but couldn’t think of a worst fate. She’d be a mess if she didn’t have her morning coffee. “Help yourself.” Closing the door, she followed the bouncing woman into her kitchenette to grab the bagel just popping up in the toaster. As Lena poured her coffee, Analise dug the new container of cream cheese out of her fridge, before setting both items down on the table.

  “I can’t thank you enough for going shopping with me yesterday. I don’t think I’ll ever get the hang of figuring out the CTA schedule, let alone trying to carry eight bags of groceries on it.”

  After taking a huge sip of her coffee, Lena sank into one of the two chairs flanking the small table adjacent to Analise’s kitchenette. “Don’t worry about it. That’s what friends are for. They won’t let their new friend get robbed by trying to carry that kinda booty on the train. Besides Mason didn’t mind lending me his car.” She gave Analise a Cheshire Cat grin. “Especially since I rewarded him handsomely for his generosity.”

  Analise chuckled, sliding into the other vacant chair, as she began smearing cream cheese on her bagel. She took a big bite out of it as Lena settled in.

  “So are you ready for your first day of work in the big city?” Lena cradled the chipped Betty Boop mug between her palms, inhaling the aroma before sipping at the dark brew.

  Analise shrugged her shoulders, her mouth full. After taking a drink of her own coffee, she finally answered. “I believe so. You said there were plenty of places to eat around State Street?”

  “Sure are. But if I were you I’d go over to the Atrium Mall. They have a kick ass food court.”

  The name rang a bell. She’d read about it somewhere. Maybe in the packet her employer had put together, when she’d first thought about accepting the job? “Sounds familiar.”

  Lena nodded. “Yep, it should. It’s in the State of Illinois Building, which is just around the corner from where Sneezeclod is located. It’s within walking distance, so you could easily go there for lunch.” She glanced over at the clock. “Crap we need to get going, or we’re both gonna be late for work. It’s gonna take at least five to ten minutes to get from here to Morse Station and we want to make the seven thirty train, since it’s gonna take at least forty minutes to get downtown.”

  Within minutes, they were both out the door, Lena with her table and Analise with her purse hooked over her shoulder. Locking the door behind her, Analise tested the knob before following her friend down the steps. Once they exited the building, Analise took in a deep breath and smiled. The scent of Lake Michigan in the air and the bright sunshine were tempting, but she had to work. A thrill shot down her spine at the idea. She was starting her first real job, one that wasn’t going to be affected by either her father’s or her uncle’s clout.

  As they moved at a brisk pace to the train station, Analise was surprised how easily Lena carried her table. It was almost as if it were effortless. Within minutes they were waiting on the platform with several other students. Gazing around the platform, she was glad that Lena had suggested she pick up her monthly CTA pass while they had been shopping yesterday at Jewel. Otherwise she’d have had to wait in the long line to pay to get on. At her side, Lena continued to chatter about the route they were going to take, and to make sure that she got off at the Washington Blvd. stop not the State St/Lake transfer stop where Lena was getting off.

  “You hear me, Ani. Make sure you get off at Washington Blvd. or you’re going to have quite the walk to work.” Lena shifted closer as the train whooshed by before slowing down. Hanging on tightly to her bag, Analise followed Lena onto the train. Instead of finding a seat, Analise chose to stand next to Lena, grasping the loop hanging from the steel bars dropping from the ceiling.

  “Yes, I heard you. Washington Blvd. station. It will put me out close to Sneezeclod.” She instinctively shifted her bag in front of her, as several other patrons bumped into her as they all crowded onto the train. “So you looking forward to rubbing some yummy models down, or do you think it’ll be all women?”

  Lena chuckled. “Only if I’m lucky. This fashion shoot is supposed to be for both men’s and women’s fall styles, so I’m hoping they’ll assign me to work on some of the male models.” She cracked her knuckles. “God, there are times I love my job.” Lena gave a quirky grin. “I get paid to touch bodies all day, who wouldn’t love that?”

  “Me. Don’t get me wrong. I love touching as much as the next gal, but to make my living rubbing other people—well let’s leave it at I’d go crazy with boredom. I need a creative outlet. Besides if I did do your job, whatever man I got with would probably get jealous.” At the unexpected sway of the train, she tightened her grip as it pulled away from the station. “Which made me wonder…how does Mason handle you touching other men?”

  Lena shook her head. “You can tell you’re small town, Ani. Mason and I have a different type of relationship. One that you’ll find is as different as scrambled eggs are to Quiche Lorraine.”

  Analise pursed her lips. “Is it a big city thing versus a small town thing? Or a vanilla versus a BDSM type of thing?”

  “A bit of both.” Lena patted her shoulder. “Things that are more accepted up here are probably not as common back in your Springville. But let’s just say Mason and I trust each other implicitly. Our relationship and what we do couldn’t survive without that.”

  Before Analise could ask exactly what Lena meant, the woman changed the subject and Analise decided she was probably either being too nosy again, or Lena wasn’t comfortable talking about it on a train during the morning commute.

  Part IV: First Impressions

  “Son of a bitch.” Analise muttered, hooking her bag higher on her shoulder as another person bumped into her. Even after all the warnings that Lena had given her, she’d managed to get off at the wrong exit. Now she was stuck trudging through the slowly rising heat in what she hoped was the right direction. Never before had she wanted to curse her total lack of sense of direction. It was probably a good thing that she’d left as early as she had. It wouldn’t do for her to be late on her first day.

  Sighing with relief when she finally spotted the Sneezeclod sign, she worked her way across the crush of bodies, and entered the building. She wanted to sink to the floor in a puddle of goo as the cool blast of the air conditioning caressed her damp skin. It felt absolutely wonderful. The receptionist at the front desk looked up from her computer as she approached.

  “Welcome to Sneezclod, Incorporated, how my I direct your call.” The woman paused for less than ten seconds, and that’s when Analise noticed the small ear bud in the woman’s ear. “Of course Mr. Krepsig. I’ll transfer you to Mr. Harkin’s office immed
iately.” Then there was a flurry of buttons as the woman transferred the call. “Louisa, Mr. Krepsig is on line one for Grim. Thanks, hun.” Then the woman turned her attention to Analise. “How may I help you?”

  “My name is Analise Rochon. I was hired by Mr. Harkin as…”

  “….my new graphic designer.” A warm masculine voice came from behind her. Turning around, she stared at the man in question. Tall but slim, his shoulders were still wide enough to fill out the cut of his suit jacket well. In his hand, he held what looked like a cappuccino. His blond hair, curling at the ends, seemed to be a bit ruffled from Chicago’s famous wind, and he had the most beautiful blue eyes Analise had ever seen. This man was supposed to be her boss? She was so screwed, she thought as sparks of awareness coursed through her, as he took her palm between his to shake her hand. He seemed as startled by it as she was, if the way his hand jerked was any indication. “It’s a pleasure to finally get to meet you in person, Ms. Rochon. I’m Grim Harkin.”

  Was it her imagination or did his voice seem a bit huskier than it had a few seconds ago? Looking up into his face, she was transfixed by how expressive his eyes were. She saw surprise and something else. But it was quickly masked as he released her hand, she almost doubted what she’d seen.

  “Mr. Harkin!” The receptionist’s startled voice broke the spell, as he released her hand. “I didn’t realize you still weren’t upstairs. I could’ve sworn I saw you come in earlier. Mr. Krepsig just called for you. I transferred it up to your office.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Shandra.” He held up his cup. “I just slipped out to grab a cup of coffee from the Starbucks down the street while you were away from the desk. I’ll be sure to call Liam back after I get my new designer settled.” He held his badge out to unlock the security door on the other side of the receptionist’s desk. “Come with me, Analise. It is all right if I call you Analise?” He motioned her forward as he held the door.

  “Sure. That or you can call me Ani.” She wasn’t sure why she was offering up Lena’s new nickname for her, but stepping through the door, she was distracted by her surroundings. Gone were the chic furnishings of the reception area, and in their place was a riotous explosion of color everywhere.

  “Hmmm,” he tapped his chin thoughtfully as he moved down the long hall. “You don’t look like an Annie to me, Analise. No, I think I’d prefer to use your given name to that, if it’s all the same to you?”

  Pasting a smile on her face, she shrugged. “That’s fine. I answer to either.”

  He gave her a strange look, before stopping in front of an office door. “I do believe I’ll have to work on your lack of confidence, Miss Analise.” He pushed open the door revealing the empty office space. “This will be your office. Eventually you’ll be sharing it with another designer, if I can ever get to the bottom of the pile of applicants.”

  She nodded, taking in the two desks facing each other and the drafting tables sitting in front of the massive windows lining one wall. From a designer or artist prospective, the office was perfect. As a woman’s however, it felt sterile. She longed to bring in some plant life to soften it up. She idly wondered if it was against company rules.

  “Do tell me what’s going on behind those gorgeous eyes of yours, Analise.” The command, so reminiscent of her dream, shocked her into replying without thought.

  “Plants. I was wondering if I could bring in some plants to soften the decor a bit. To make it feel more like home.” She glanced up at him. “Not sure if or what the policy Sneezeclod has about personal items. I’ve just found I’m more creative when I have organic things around me.”

  He looked around the office. “What kinds of plants are we talking here? A garden full of flowers that will cause my allergies to flare up or…”

  “Oh, nothing like that. I wouldn’t want to aggravate your allergies. I was thinking perhaps a Christmas Cactus or a philodendron. They are lush green plants that don’t take up much space, but put out tons of oxygen and have a soothing but invigorating effect on me. Or at least they did while I was in college.”

  Grim seemed to think it over for a moment before nodding as if to himself. “I don’t see why not. Sands and Nitram have one of those trashcan basketball hoops in their office. I don’t see why you can’t have a few plants, farm girl.”

  She nearly choked on the moniker, before laughing out loud at the absurdity of it all. Even in Chicago she couldn’t seem to escape her past. “If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been called a farm girl…”

  “You’d be a rich woman?” He finished for her. “Anyway, this will be your office. If you’d like to lock your purse in your desk drawer, I’ll take you around and introduce you to the rest of my creative team.”

  She nodded. “Sure thing.”

  * * * *

  Grim watched as the new girl interacted with the rest of the department. David Nitram and Samuel Sands were both falling over their middle-aged paunches to garner favor with her, never realizing that Analise was more than just another pretty face. Analise Rochon had been very impressive on paper, when she’d sent in her resume shortly before she graduated with her B.A. in Graphic Designs from the University of Iowa. But it hadn’t been her stellar G.P.A. which had impressed him. No, it had been the samples in her portfolio which had done the trick. She had fresh ideas which he was hoping would drag Sneezeclod Inc. into the twenty-first century. Even if it’s with some kicking and screaming.

  “She’s gonna fit right in, isn’t she?” Louisa asked from his side. He glanced over at his assistant, slash secretary, slash aunt. She’d been with him since he’d first started at Sneezeclod fresh out of high school, and she hadn’t changed much in the twelve years he’d been with the company. Her silver hair was still pulled up in a bun at the base of her neck, and she still wore linen pantsuits every day of the week with flat clunky dress shoes, regardless of the weather outside.

  “I hope so. I’m going out on a limb with her. It took quite a bit of fast-talking to get old man Sneezeclod to go for it. You know how he is. Always wanting yes men to fill all of his subordinate slots, and the fact that she graduated from one of the most liberal colleges in the U.S….”

  Louisa sighed, before looking at him over the rim of her dark framed reading glasses. “She was a hard sell, but you did it like you always do. Sometimes I wonder how you managed to sneak past my husband’s defenses, Grim. You’re about as big a yes man as I am male.”

  He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and giving her an affectionate squeeze. “It probably has to do with the fact I’m your nephew, and he can’t fire me?”

  She rolled her eyes at him, before patting his cheek. “You keep thinking that, boy. Screw up big enough and Isaac would fire anybody, including you and me.” She tilted her head to the side. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  He nodded slowly. “Hell, yeah. I have a feeling she’s going to grab this company by the ear and drag it kicking and screaming into the future. We need to stay competitive or Davis Harrison Dion or DDB Chicago will run us out of business.”

  “Speaking of running, dear boy, if you don’t call that man of yours, you’re gonna be running for the hills when he gets a hold of you. He’s called three times in the past hour, while you’ve been showing around our new girl.”

  Amazingly he felt his cheeks flush, only his open-minded aunt could do this to him. She took his bi-sexuality in stride and honestly approved of his relationship with Liam. But she’d probably shit kittens if she knew I’d be running to Liam - not away from him - if it meant I could feel his belt against my ass. Forcing the thoughts from his mind, before his cock betrayed him, Grim brushed a kiss across the top of her head. “No worries. I’ll go sooth the savage beast. Can you keep an eye on the guys? If they get too outta line, get after them. I don’t want them scaring her off on her first day.”

  Louisa placed a hand on her hip and shooed him away. “Go. You’re worse than a kid in a candy store. She’ll be fine.”

  He chuckled as he headed to his office. As he entered the office, he tossed his suit coat on the back of his chair and rolled up his sleeves as he sat down behind the massive desk. He was just lifting the phone to his ear when the familiar scent of sandalwood filled his nostrils. He dropped the receiver back in its cradle with a soft moan. He was so screwed.

  “You best go lock the door, inamorato. Unless you want them to walk in on us.” Looking nothing like the professor of computer forensics he was, Liam Krepsig stood in front of Grim’s desk, his arms folded over his massive t-shirt covered chest with his sun-streaked shoulder-length hair lying free against his shoulders, wearing dark jeans and biker boots. Grim would bet his last dollar that his Master had rode his bike, “Betty”, down from Loyola when he couldn’t get him on the phone. “So be it.” As Liam reached for him, Grim realized he’d waited too long for his lover’s liking.

  “Wait!” he pleaded, evading Liam’s hands in an attempt to get to the door.

  His fingers just brushed the lock on the handle when he was jerked back against Liam’s chest. The slightly acidic scent of gasoline from filling up Betty and the sandalwood cologne enveloped Grim, along with a hint of peppermint from Liam’s favored candy.

  “No.” Liam leaned forward, his hair falling over Grim’s shoulder. “You had your chance.” His words were spoken directly against the side of Grim’s neck. “You didn’t answer my calls. And we both know what the punishment for that is.”

  Grim’s ass clenched at the memory of the last time he’d gotten busy at work and forgotten to call his lover back. The spanking had been worth it, especially when Liam had gone down on him, before fucking him into a stupor. “Master.” He gasped as Liam cupped his growing erection with one hand. It took all of Grim’s control to keep from bucking into the warm palm gripping his aching shaft. “Please, I wasn’t…”