Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off) Page 2
“Yeah, they told me between eight and noon, but as you can see they still aren’t here.” She shut the door behind her. Joining Lena in the living room, she colored as her stomach rumbled loudly.
“Let me guess, you haven’t had a chance to go grocery shopping yet?” Lena’s hands went to her curvy hips as she scolded her.
Analise’s lips twitched as she suddenly felt like she was five and been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. “I was planning on it after the cable guy got here.”
Lena sighed. “But you weren’t expecting our notoriously late service guys.” She shook her head, her curls bouncing. “Tell you what, while you wait, why don’t I slip down to Leona’s and get us a sandwich?” She hoisted her straw bag over her shoulder. “They make totally awesome brownies.”
Her stomach grumbled even louder at the mention of chocolate. “You’re an evil woman, Lena Ask.”
Lena just laughed. “No, I’d only be evil if I went to Leona’s, and didn’t bring anything back for you. Now wait here. I’ll be back in flash.”
Then she was gone, without a good-bye or even asking what Analise wanted. Slowly shutting the door behind Lena, she wondered what she’d let herself in for by befriending her new neighbor. Ignoring her growling tummy, Analise sat back down on the couch and picked up her Kindle. Maybe reading about some hot man on man action would keep her preoccupied until Lena got back with the food. Diving back into the latest Kim Dare book, she lost herself to a world of handcuffs and sexy constables.
She was just reaching the climax of the book when there was a brisk knock on her door. Assuming it was Lena back with her food or the service man she walked to the door, still reading her e-reader cradled in one hand. Tugging open the door, she finally looked up from her book. Surprise crossed her face as she stared at the man in front of her. Dressed in Bermuda shorts and the most hideous stained wife-beater she’d ever seen, she instinctively took a step back.
He seemed just as taken back as she was. “Hey, you’re not Serena?”
“Ah, no. She doesn’t live here anymore, sorry.” She went to shut the door, when he stuck his foot in it. “Aw come on, don’t be that way.” He squinted down at her and the reek of booze washed over her. “Maybe you and I can party instead?”
She stared at him blankly. Who the hell was this idiot? Why was he wasted on her doorstep at quarter to twelve in the afternoon? “Sorry, I don’t think so.” She kept her voice firm. “I have a firm rule about ‘partying’ with the local lush before lunch.”
“Why you stuck up bitch! Serena would’ve never talked to me that way…” He pushed hard on the door, sending her stumbling back into her foyer. “I ought to take you over my knee…”
“Jamison! What the hell are you doing?” Lena came bouncing down the hallway holding two paper sacks.
Jamison, disheveled, turned to face Lena. “I…Lena…” He swallowed, and to Analise’s eyes turned into a five year old being chastised, as he kicked the carpet with his toe. It was good to see, she wasn’t the only person Lena had that effect on. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I just came by to see if Serena wanted to party with me…”
Placing a hand on his chest, Lena pushed him back. “Phew, you stink. Been hitting the bottle much?” She peeked inside to check Analise. “You okay, Ani?”
“Yeah.” She nodded. “I’m fine.”
“Good. Take this, while I deal with lover boy.” She gave the food bags to Analise before planting her body in the doorway. “Now, listen here, Jamison. Serena is gone. She’s not coming back, either. So get it through your thick skull, you fucked up and she left. Got it?”
“I…but, but I need her!” He whined, his tone very reminiscent of a spoiled child’s. Unable to handle anymore, she left Lena arguing with the man at her door.
She was just divvying up what smelled like delicious club sandwiches onto her Betty Boop plates, when Lena came into the small kitchenette.
“Sorry about that, hun. If you didn’t guess, that’s Serena’s ex. He was probably one of the reasons why Serena headed back home. He wanted more than she could give him. I told him that trying to force a girl to become a submissive to him was just asking for trouble.”
At the word submissive, Analise’s ears perked up. She paused with the food half way to her mouth, then set it back down. That drunken ass just soured her fantasy of maybe finding a Dom to experiment with while in Chicago. She mentally checked it off her list. There was no way she was going to put her virginity in the hands of a man like that. “As in a BDSM submissive? Is he actually a Dom?”
Lena sighed. ‘Damn me and my tongue. I bet you wouldn’t consider ignoring what I just said, would you?”
“Hell, no. I’m not here to judge but you’ve got me curious. I don’t think I’ve ever met a real life Dom before.” She picked up her food again and took a huge bite out of it, savoring the flavor of ham, turkey and roast beef as it exploded across her taste buds.
Toying with her own food, Lena finally leaned her chin on her hand. “He is and he isn’t. What you saw today isn’t his normal M.O. He’s normally a pretty laid back guy considering his tendencies. But he made the mistake of falling for a girl who couldn’t accept his need to dominate. She got scared and ran back home. The job was just an excuse.” She sipped her cola. “Ever since she high-tailed it out of here, Jamison has crawled into the bottle. He’s been drinking himself into a stupor every weekend. I’m going to have to do something about it.”
“And what are you planning on doing? He looks like he’s old enough to drink.” She tore open the small bag of corn chips that’d been in the sacks with the sandwiches. Popping one into her mouth, she savored the salty crispness against her tongue.
“He is, but he’s not handling it right, so I’m going to have to go to one of our local BDSM Mistresses and see if she can talk some sense into him. But knowing Olivia, she might smack him upside the head with her crop for being such an idiot.”
“You know an honest to god Mistress? Does she wear black leather and everything?”
“Whoa, girl!” Lena held up a hand. “What exactly do you know about the lifestyle than other than what you’ve seen on TV?”
Analise shrugged her shoulders. “Not much. I’ve read several erotic romances. I love Tymber Dalton’s stuff, but I’m not naive enough to think that everything I’m reading is true.”
Lena’s shoulders relaxed. “That’s good. I get so tired of defending my lifestyle choice to everyone. And you’re doing good to realize everything you read isn’t always true.” She took a huge bite out of her sandwich. “Damn, Leona’s makes a fine sandwich. But don’t worry about Jamison. I made sure he made into his apartment at the end of the hall. He’s gonna stay there…”
“And what makes you think that he’ll actually listen…he was pretty drunk.” she asked around a mouthful of bread.
Lena flashed an evil smile. “I have my ways, grasshopper. Now finish your food before some sexy cable guy shows up and you spend more time drooling over him than your meal. I didn’t run down two blocks in this getup in almost ninety degree heat to just to have your lunch go to waste.”
Giggling, Analise dug into her meal as they made small talk. The subject of BDSM wasn’t brought up again.
* * * *
At least not until later, as Lena and she hung out in the commons area of the apartment building while they waited for the sun to go down. It’d been several hours since she’d gotten a call from Comcast. It seemed her errant service guy had a good reason for not showing up - his truck had been hit on the Kennedy Expressway as he made his way north. Luckily he hadn’t been hurt, other than some stitches from where his head hit the steering wheel. After rescheduling the appointment for later in the week with the nice lady on the phone, she’d decided to hang out in the commons with Lena as the other woman did her laundry. It was too hot to go outside, but at least she wasn’t staring at four walls. That’s where they were when Lena pulled a rolled up flier out of her bag.
nbsp; When she moved over to the community board, and posted the bright, colorful paper up with several push-pins, Analise moved close enough to read over her shoulder. “What’s a munch? A midnight lunch?”
Lena chuckled. “You know I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone refer to it as that.” She pushed the final pin into the poster. “Actually if you’re honestly interested in learning about the lifestyle, a munch is a good place to do it. It’s a meeting of like-minded people, usually at a restaurant or someplace neutral. It’s usually a dinner thing with a mixer. It’s also where people new to the scene can meet others.”
Analise giggled at the thought of a whole crowd of leather-wearing people showing up at the local Perkins. Back home it would’ve terrified the hostess who’d have assumed she was being invaded by Hell’s Angels or something and called the local cops.
“Get your mind out of the gutter.” Lena put her hand on hip, obviously reading the expression on Analise’s face. “This isn’t a play party we’re talking about. It’s very vanilla type of gathering.”
“Okay…so no leather clad-women and men are going to come in on leashes?” Analise teased, hoping her new friend realized that she was joking. Not everyone got her silly sense of humor.
Lena placed one hand on her hip, tipped her head back and roared. “Oh my god, Gabriel would flip out if I brought Mason in on a leash, or vice versa. After all, Poulanos is a family style restaurant.”
‘You actually know the owner?”
“Oh hell, yeah. Gabriel’s been part of the scene for longer than I can remember.” She thoughtfully tapped a blue lacquered nail against her chin. “And I’ve been going to Olivia’s since I first came to the city eight years ago. Never played with him or his sub Sara, but got to watch plenty of demonstrations. That man is a true master of the rope, amongst other things.”
“You’ve actually seen demonstrations? At a restaurant?” Immediately images of people being suspended from the rafters filled her mind.
“No…not at Poulanos. They are normally held at Olivia’s.”
Analise found herself intrigued. This was the second time that Lena had mentioned this Olivia person. “So I’m to assume this Mistress Olivia has a club? What’s it called?”
“Olivia’s….what else?” Lena shot her a grin. “And let me tell you, she’s something else. No one there fucks with her. She rules all that she sees and if you don’t like it…well, she has a saying, don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.’ It’s quite comical coming out of her though. The first time I heard it, I laughed so hard, I’m surprised I didn’t hurt myself.”
When Analise looked confused, Lena was quick to explain. “You gotta to understand. She’s this little bitty thing. Maybe five foot two and that’s in high-heeled boots. She’s wafer thin and looks like a stiff breeze would blow her away, when in reality it’s the stiff breeze that should be concerned.”
“She sounds like quite the character.”
Lena laughed. “You could say that. If you’re truly interested in the lifestyle, you could come with me to the next munch. Mason and I love going to them, and I wouldn’t mind introducing you to her, if you’re serious.”
Analise shifted. “I don’t honestly know what I’m interested in, Lena. I’m here in Chicago to spread my wings and explore. Is it BDSM for me? Or maybe something along the lines of a threesome? I just don’t know.” A frown crossed Lena’s face as the dryer buzzed and Analise sighed. “Are you going to warm me about how foolish I’m being…because if so…”
Lena held a hand up. “No, girl, I’m not gonna lecture you. You’re over twenty-one right? Free to pursue whatever your heart desires?” When Analise gave a brief nod, Lena continued as she pulled her clean laundry out and into a laundry basket. As she pushed it over to the counter, Analise followed her. “Then that’s what you should do. But do me a favor, before you spread your wings and fly….I want us to set up system.”
“A system?” Despite herself, she was intrigued. She could only pray that Lena wasn’t going to put a bunch of rules in place. Analise was twenty-three, not eighteen anymore. She wasn’t stupid.
“Yes. You got a cell phone?”
The simplicity of the question caught her off guard, but she answered it anyway. “What woman my age doesn’t?” Analise leaned against the counter, as Lena started to fold her clothing.
“Then I want you to program my number into your cell phone. If you’re going to go home with someone, I want you to text me the address of where you’re going to be. Then an hour after you get there, I’ll text you back to check on you.”
As she listened to Lena go into details of whys and how her system worked, Analise made up her mind: Lena was going to end up being her best friend, despite all of her quirkiness.
Episode II: The Dream & First Impressions
Part III: The Dream
She tugged helplessly at her bonds, every inch of her aching under the administrations of the men surrounding her. Blindfolded, she couldn’t see them but Lord could she feel their hands as they tugged at her nipples; as their fingers traced over the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs; and heaven above felt their tongues and teeth, as they nipped and caressed her in places she’d never dreamed of having someone place their mouth.
“Please…” she groaned as the lips, which had been tugging at the delicate skin at the back of her knee, slid higher. Stubble brushed against her skin, sending even more sensations skittering across her nerve endings.
“Master?” The soft plea in the man’s voice sent a jolt through her, as did the direct exhale which stirred the curls at the juncture of her thighs. She waited with baited anticipation as did the man between her legs. Would he be given permission to place his mouth on her pussy? Or would the Master torment them both by denying them - prolonging their anticipation until both were nothing more than a begging mass of flesh?
“Is that what you would like, little one, to feel my slave’s tongue against your little pussy? To have him make you come?” The dark command spoken directly into her ear sent shivers down her spine, competing with the ones radiating up her thighs from the man tracing patterns with his tongue. His heartfelt groan at his Master’s words stroked the flames of her desire even hotter.
“Please.” She whispered through dry lips, her legs trembling with the need to come. She’d never been so aroused in her life. Every nerve was tight as each stroke of fingers, tongues and teeth sent her passion a little bit higher.
“What do you think, slave? Does she deserve to feel your tongue? Has she earned her reward?”
The lips abandoned her thigh. “She hasn’t sucked you yet as you asked, Master…”
She groaned at the man’s reminder. Unfamiliar with any oral sex at all, she’d stumbled earlier at the requested blowjob and this, in turn, was her punishment. To be teased and tormented until she gave the men what they wanted. More importantly what he wanted - the Master.
“Very true. Seems rather odd considering she wants the very thing from you that she denied me.” The feel of something warm but damp brushed over her cheek.
“I…I’m sorry.” She turned her face. ‘I’ll do it…” In desperation, she searched for the Master’s cock. That had to be what she just felt. She was inexperienced but not stupid. Now on the edge of release herself, she no longer could remember why she’d balked at the idea of taking him into her mouth.
“Beg, Analise, I want you to beg for it, because only then will I allow you to come.”
The words tumbled out of her mouth. “Please, Sir. I need it.”
“Need what?”
The harsh question had her cheeks flushing, but she said the words anyway. “Your cock, Sir. I need to feel it in my mouth. I’m sorry. Please give it to me. I’ll suck it good.”
The words, once they started continued to pour from her lips, until her mouth was suddenly blocked by what could only be the head of Sir’s cock. Hesitantly, she flicked her tongue over the velvety surface. The slightly tangy but sa
lty taste exploded over her taste buds. He was like licking the rim of a margarita. She was suddenly hungry for more. Hollowing her cheeks and lifting her head from the pillow, she tried to suck him further into her mouth.
“No.” The steel was still present in his order, but the raspy quality of his voice would’ve surprised her if she hadn’t been so focused on her goal. “I am in control here.” His hand gently pressed her head back to the pillow. “Not you, remember? You agreed to this.”
She moaned softly at the reminder. She had. She’d needed to experience this, and had agreed to the Master’s rules. She relaxed back against the pillow, allowing him to slowly fuck in and out of her mouth at his own pace.
“Master?’ The other man’s request wasn’t lost to her, but she could barely focus as she sucked her first cock. He felt like living satin over hardness she longed to feel in other parts of her body, even forbidden ones. She gushed at the thought.
“Pleaaassse, Master.”
She flushed at her body’s response and its effect on the other man. Either his desperation was apparent to the man who was filling her mouth, or he was in a merciful mood because he gave his slave permission to taste, but taste only. She wanted to protest but could only groan around the slowly moving cock - at the first touch of something hot, wet and slippery plunged inside her. Pleasure bombarded her and she lifted up towards the source of it, every inch of her body on the cusp of something…
Sitting up, eyes wide, chest heaving, Analise panted with the dream still coursing through her body. Slapping at her alarm, she tried to come back to reality. The dream wasn’t unfamiliar to her, but it had never been this vivid. Logically she knew it was her own suppressed needs which caused her to dream about submitting sexually to men she didn’t know.